I wish I was Heather.

> Heather Street.

You should love the person you are! Everyone has those good days and bad days and no-one is perfect! I'm sure Heather has problems of her own, I'm sure everyone does! You've even said so yourself that you dont know either Heather or Andy as much as you'd like to, so how can you say that you wish you was someone you don't really know!
> I'm sure Heather has problems of her own,

She certainly does. She has skin like a belisha beacon.
She certainly does. She has skin like a belisha beacon.= That is not nice. Heather would not like you saying things like that. Poor Heather. I am sure Heather does have problems like we all do but why do people keep going on about her tan? I would love nice healthy looking tanned skin.
> She certainly does. She has skin like a belisha beacon.= That is not nice.
> Heather would not like you saying things like that. Poor Heather. I am
> sure Heather does have problems like we all do but why do people keep
> going on about her tan? I would love nice healthy looking tanned skin.
Tanned skin is NOT healthy skin, unless you get it out of a bottle.
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