How to play Under Influence on your Mac



I just figured out how to get Under the Influence to play on your computer. There is a barcode on the bottom of the cd, toward the center. If you cross it out very carefully with a sharpee, the cd will play in your computer.
> I just figured out how to get Under the Influence to play on your
> computer. There is a barcode on the bottom of the cd, toward the center.
> If you cross it out very carefully with a sharpee, the cd will play in
> your computer.

i was having the same problem on a mac. i tried the CD on a pc and it played. however when i tried burning it for a friend it wouldn't let me. i guess they made it a burn-protected disc.
i was a bit upset over this stupidity until a someone mentioned the sharpee over the barcode, as well as scotch tape over the barcode(in case you don't want to write on the disc). and it worked! i burned it and can play them both on my pc's and macs.
Hey thanks for that advice..although I wasn't sure what a "sharpee" was, I used a permanent marker *same thing?* and it worked a treat.

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