Hitler strikes again! Manuel?


Seriously Flowered

Hello Codreanu

I Don't think I will survive very long.

However, I just want to let you know I am here at this moment in time.

Thank you for being you,

> Hello Codreanu

> I Don't think I will survive very long.

> However, I just want to let you know I am here at this moment in time.

> Thank you for being you,

> x

We all are at heart.
Such is life.
You had better survive! If only for the precious wisp, that dim weave of nebulous dream that pleats our future(s), in better moods.

I will accept most anything from you, Flawed -- livid mood, dim presumption...even your dismissal. Only, please, please, never misread insolence into my communications. Never doubt me.

I really have MUCH to read, and so little time...

Goodnight, my lady.
I will dream of you.
> You had better survive! If only for the precious wisp, that dim weave of
> nebulous dream that pleats our future(s), in better moods.

> I will accept most anything from you, Flawed -- livid mood, dim
> presumption...even your dismissal. Only, please, please, never misread
> insolence into my communications. Never doubt me.

> I really have MUCH to read, and so little time...

> Goodnight, my lady.
> I will dream of you.

I think I'm in love
Or is it just the song
Who knows?

Anyway, nice while it lasted.
> You had better survive! If only for the precious wisp, that dim weave of
> nebulous dream that pleats our future(s), in better moods.

> I will accept most anything from you, Flawed -- livid mood, dim
> presumption...even your dismissal. Only, please, please, never misread
> insolence into my communications. Never doubt me.

> I really have MUCH to read, and so little time...

> Goodnight, my lady.
> I will dream of you.

You are the Dark Knight that shall rescue Flawed from the depths of despair.

> You are the Dark Knight that shall rescue Flawed from the depths of
> despair.

> Hehe.

A VERY DARK night, whelmed in darker abysms. If ever I manage to slay the dragon of my own despair she will be the one I rescue.
But I fear a Pyrric victory.
> A VERY DARK night, whelmed in darker abysms. If ever I manage to slay the
> dragon of my own despair she will be the one I rescue.
> But I fear a Pyrric victory.

Sometimes there is a cold comfort in the coagulation of despair...the amber feels warm at times, and maintains a kind of (deformed) integrity -- there is security in stasis.
I would never stir from this if it were only for my sake.
> Sometimes there is a cold comfort in the coagulation of despair...the
> amber feels warm at times, and maintains a kind of (deformed) integrity --
> there is security in stasis.
> I would never stir from this if it were only for my sake.

I know what you mean.

It's probably because it makes us feel more alive. When we are feeling despair, we are self-absorbed and more fully aware of our existence.
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