Hey Cilli! His name is 'Cat'


Shy, bald Buddhist

Hey Cili!

At Salisbury Mr Morrissey came on stage and introduced himself as 'Cat' - he said 'My name id 'Cat'.

Now why would he say that? Was this a reference to Ms Hollygolightly's famous feline pet (This site won't accept the word P.U.S.S.Y - in England it means cat)

Or was he carrying on the 'Welcome to an evening of folk gone too far' idea and pretending to be Cat Stevens (Who has a greatest hits album out)

C'mon, Tell me, tell me, tell me. Maybe I'm stupid, Maybe I misheard.

PS your pictures of Audrey are lush
> Hey Cili!

Hello S.B.D. ;) (I HAVE gained a lot of culture!)

> At Salisbury Mr Morrissey came on stage and introduced himself
> as 'Cat' - he said 'My name is 'Cat'.

> Now why would he say that? Was this a reference to Ms
> Hollygolightly's famous feline pet (This site won't accept the
> word P.U.S.S.Y - in England it means cat)

Well, the p-word means "cat" here too but the word's been devastated by American culture. It's just about unuseable now isn't it? Good thing Morrissey understands this. Had he walked out and spoken the words, "My name is @#!!!," I don't believe it would have had the same effect. :) Just kidding. Yes, I understand that he was in Salisbury.

> Or was he carrying on the 'Welcome to an evening of folk gone
> too far' idea and pretending to be Cat Stevens (Who has a
> greatest hits album out)

Well, I sincerely doubt that it was a reference to Cat Stevens. Have you read or seen Breakfast at Tiffany's? Cat had no home. Morrissey was in England. It makes sense that he would say such a thing.

> C'mon, Tell me, tell me, tell me.

Very demanding person aren't you? :) Sorry to reply if you were just kidding around. It's not always so easy to tell.

> PS your pictures of Audrey are lush

Yes, I think they're very pretty too. I wish I were born earlier. I probably could have met her. Oh well, we're all going to the same place anyway I guess. Maybe I still will have the opportunity.

Maybe it was 'Cath'


> Have you read or seen Breakfast at Tiffany's? Cat had no home.
> Morrissey was in England. It makes sense that he would say such
> a thing.

This is a marvellous explanation. You're clearly much better acquainted with the book than I.

It just occurred to me that he could have been referring to Salisbury Cathedral (which has the tallest spire in England) - which gives me ANOTHER idea why he said 'My name is Cat'. He mentioned the song 'Winchester Cathedral' too (Winchester is down the road from Salisbury). Perhaps he said 'My name is Cath'?

Now what was the play 'Cathy come home all about' - runaways!

with love from the

Shy, bald Buddhist
Re: Maybe it was 'Cath'

> This is a marvellous explanation. You're clearly much better
> acquainted with the book than I.

It's in the movie too. In fact, I've now seen the movie so many times, my recollection of Capote's book has been horribly adulterated. I'll have to read it again. If you haven't read it, you should. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should.

> It just occurred to me that he could have been referring to
> Salisbury Cathedral (which has the tallest spire in England) -
> which gives me ANOTHER idea why he said 'My name is Cat'. He
> mentioned the song 'Winchester Cathedral' too (Winchester is
> down the road from Salisbury). Perhaps he said 'My name is
> Cath'?
> Now what was the play 'Cathy come home all about' - runaways!

Well, I doubt that Morrissey was being that nebulous. Usually I find that, although his hidden meanings can be quite clandestine, once elucidated, they're very perspicuous and direct. Then again, maybe I just WANT him to have made a reference to one of Audrey's films.

In Breakfast at Tiffany's, Ms. Holiday Golightly refers to her "Cat" as without a name and without a home. Holly and Cat just "took up by the river one day". Actually, this cat plays an enormous role and carries just about as many metaphors as you could stuff into a little marmalade cat.

> with love from the
> Shy, bald Buddhist

Accepting your love,

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