Guaurdian Comment on Smiths


June 16, 2006 10:24 AM
Smiths. Good guitar, whingey singer makes them unlistenable to me. Much over-rated.


June 16, 2006 10:49 AM
The Smiths were a profoundly shit band and "Mozza", if there was any justice in the world, would be slowly beaten to death by a team of gladioli-wielding midgets: he is a talentless, whining c##t. Johnny Marr's melodies, on the other hand, are decent enough, but they're *utterly* ruined by Morrissey's "singing". (I've never seen one of those ghastly videos of dogs being skinned alive, but I imagine that amongst their anguished canine screaming, were someone to turn on a Morrissey track -- to, y'know, "ease the dogs' suffering" -- they'd turn around in unison and say, "f*** me, what a horrible noise".)


June 16, 2006 01:22 PM
spizzoil's got it right. The Smiths had almost everything, except a half-decent singer. Morrissey is a fantastic lyricist but should never have been allowed in front of a mic. Still, hats off to anyone who can make a career out of only 5 notes.

:D :D Hilarious! :D :D
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