Front row seats (pits) - WHY???

So that you can be trampled by that idiot Moz Kew...what a bunch of fookin losers. They tried to gang up on this bald dude at the Hooligans show at the HOB in November - the "fat" Moz Krew guy got his ass kicked by him. I was laughing. Then his friends jumped in - typical - but i was too late getting down there to help him. Security helped him out.

ANYWAYS, I'll be behind, actually enjoying the show as opposed to being next to an idiot grease-monkey trying to 'mosh' to Morrissey as if he were hard rock. They make me laugh, but hey, someone's gotta change the oil in my car.

See you in Pasadena. I'll be wearing my Hatful T-shirt in case any Krew member wants to mosh with me.
thats what i was thinking about when i tried to decide "pit or no pit?"
is their even a pit? the "guy" posting on here who gave us true info on the presale who claims to work at the civic auditorium said their is no pit seats... it is all just seating.. but then again whats a moz concert w/o crazy pit fans? at any rate, i got orchestra seating for thursday and saturday
i think he meant that theres going to be reserved seats in the pit...but whats a pit with seats? i think ill just stick to orchestra too, night 1 and 3 :D
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