
Hello love, ive sent you a few texts asking if i can stay at yours for a day or two for the moz meltdown dates. Are you going to accept my lurid offer of sleeping in your bath or bathroom floor then

Gizza bell missus!

MBB321 X
> Hello love, ive sent you a few texts asking if i can stay at yours for a
> day or two for the moz meltdown dates. Are you going to accept my lurid
> offer of sleeping in your bath or bathroom floor then

> Gizza bell missus!

> MBB321 X

do you people have each others phone numbers/email, who wants to
hear this shit, if she didn't reply, maybe she does not want you
stay, what are you doing, forcing her hand with this message?
Re: hmmm, good point there Ian

Yep, GD knows what MBB321 is like when he stays at other people's houses after a night on the pop.

Sorry Deano, couldn't resist. xx

Mac, the post didnt even concern you, so why did you bother replying. I have her phone number, but she hasnt replied for a few days and havent talked to her for a while, so i thought her number might have changed or something. Now why don't you go and post something relevant to a thread somewhere else.

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