Esquire Interview



Re: Page 6

"When I go to the supermarket to buy food, *that* is a creation


damn, if ever i was born with such a tongue
Re: Page 4

Oh...heavens....This was such an excellent interview. LOL, I can just imagine that "The Book Of Disquiet" will skyrocket in sales As an admirer of Morrissey since 1984, I NEVER thought I'd STILL be here....admiring him as much as ever. More so. If that is possible.
PS: That Coronation Street he is/was clinically insane? ; )
When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

Why is Morrissey Hiding his homosexuality? He says that Elton John is a crashing bore but at least Elton John is honest about being gay and his happy being gay. Yet Morrissey remains coy with lines such as "the woman of my dreams well there never was one." Morrissey is clearly gay on so many of his albums he discusses homosexuality yet he's such a coward he hides in the closet. If Morrissey was straight then he wouldn't be hiding the "gender" of his lover. Yet in all his interviews Morrissey hides the gender of his lover and I wonder why he does this. Come on out Morrissey no need to hide anymore it's 2004.
Re: When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

When he decides on what to wear!
Re: When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

What if he's not gay you dork!!!

> Why is Morrissey Hiding his homosexuality? He says that Elton John is a
> crashing bore but at least Elton John is honest about being gay and his
> happy being gay. Yet Morrissey remains coy with lines such as "the
> woman of my dreams well there never was one." Morrissey is clearly
> gay on so many of his albums he discusses homosexuality yet he's such a
> coward he hides in the closet. If Morrissey was straight then he wouldn't
> be hiding the "gender" of his lover. Yet in all his interviews
> Morrissey hides the gender of his lover and I wonder why he does this.
> Come on out Morrissey no need to hide anymore it's 2004.
Re: When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

> Why is Morrissey Hiding his homosexuality? He says that Elton John is a
> crashing bore but at least Elton John is honest about being gay and his
> happy being gay. Yet Morrissey remains coy with lines such as "the
> woman of my dreams well there never was one." Morrissey is clearly
> gay on so many of his albums he discusses homosexuality yet he's such a
> coward he hides in the closet. If Morrissey was straight then he wouldn't
> be hiding the "gender" of his lover. Yet in all his interviews
> Morrissey hides the gender of his lover and I wonder why he does this.
> Come on out Morrissey no need to hide anymore it's 2004.
i don't he ever will because he prefers to live a quiet lifestyle.
Re: When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

> Why is Morrissey Hiding his homosexuality?

because of pricks like you that waste too much time with trivial matters. if he is gay and were to come out then he'd turn into the next george michael where every reporter is now obsessed w/ him being gay. it's bad enough every moz interview deals him moving to LA. imagine if he were to come out(that's if he's gay)? every question from then on would be "so why did you come out?". if you're so convinced that he's gay then just be happy with your theory. let the man be and enjoy the music.
Re: When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

> Why is Morrissey Hiding his homosexuality? He says that Elton John is a
> crashing bore but at least Elton John is honest about being gay and his
> happy being gay. Yet Morrissey remains coy with lines such as "the
> woman of my dreams well there never was one." Morrissey is clearly
> gay on so many of his albums he discusses homosexuality yet he's such a
> coward he hides in the closet. If Morrissey was straight then he wouldn't
> be hiding the "gender" of his lover. Yet in all his interviews
> Morrissey hides the gender of his lover and I wonder why he does this.
> Come on out Morrissey no need to hide anymore it's 2004.

As Michael Stipe once said when questioned about the same issue "Labels are for canned fruit". Why should Morrissey make a proclamation and officially tick some box you have arbitrarily assigned to him, just to satisfy your demands. I'm fed up with this idea propagated by both gay and heterosexual extremists that youre either one thing or the other. And if you don't feel either of those terms describe you well then you should use bisexual or asexual just because- well everyone has to have a label thrust upon them don't they. In some people's worlds they do but just maybe Morrissey doesnt want to inhabit that world and you can't make him. What it comes down to you and others with your mindset, is your insecruity not Morrissey's. You're insecure because someone doesn't want to join your club and validate your label or your existence.
And I don't know whether you are gay yourself (its sounds though you might be and bear a grudge for Morrissey not putting this label on himself) but I have certainly had sexual relationships with both sexes, I came out 12 years ago to my dad and faced grief for that, got bullied at school as 'the school lesbian', got involved with queer groups at university, went to the recent AIDS memorial day. I've used in the past the labels bisexual, lesbian, queer, asexual- which have been my choice to use by the way. But at the end of the day I am fed up with all of them and admire anyone who is brave enough not to use some stupid label to describe themselves so other people feel comfortable. Insecure people crave definiteness- to feel they know what they 'are'- and to feel they know what others 'are'. Give Morrissey some respect for not playing your stupid game and leave him alone.

sincerely, etc.
Re: When is Morrissey going to just Come out of the closet?

You talk about Michael Stipe and yet Michael Stipe DID COME OUT of the closet. Stipe like Morrissey hid his homosexuality. Look at Michael Stipe he came out and REM is still very successful. In the Esquire interview they discuss Quentin Crisp, and Oscar Wilde two gay icons it's clear that Morrissey is "hiding'' his homosexuality. I applaud George Michael because now George embraces his homosexuality and not like Morrissey though. I like Morrissey but I don't think it's fair for him to trash people like Elton John. Elton John is an amazing man that has done so much for the gay community. Yet Morrissey hides his homosexuality in one of the gayest cities in the world in Los Angeles. It's well known that Morrissey not only frequents the gay bars and bathhouses in LA yet he wishes to remain in the closet. Morrissey is clearly queer from the way the man talks, sings, lyrics, he's gay. It's such a shame that Morrissey still hides the truth from his audience.

> As Michael Stipe once said when questioned about the same issue
> "Labels are for canned fruit". Why should Morrissey make a
> proclamation and officially tick some box you have arbitrarily assigned to
> him, just to satisfy your demands. I'm fed up with this idea propagated by
> both gay and heterosexual extremists that youre either one thing or the
> other. And if you don't feel either of those terms describe you well then
> you should use bisexual or asexual just because- well everyone has to have
> a label thrust upon them don't they. In some people's worlds they do but
> just maybe Morrissey doesnt want to inhabit that world and you can't make
> him. What it comes down to you and others with your mindset, is your
> insecruity not Morrissey's. You're insecure because someone doesn't want
> to join your club and validate your label or your existence.
> And I don't know whether you are gay yourself (its sounds though you might
> be and bear a grudge for Morrissey not putting this label on himself) but
> I have certainly had sexual relationships with both sexes, I came out 12
> years ago to my dad and faced grief for that, got bullied at school as
> 'the school lesbian', got involved with queer groups at university, went
> to the recent AIDS memorial day. I've used in the past the labels
> bisexual, lesbian, queer, asexual- which have been my choice to use by the
> way. But at the end of the day I am fed up with all of them and admire
> anyone who is brave enough not to use some stupid label to describe
> themselves so other people feel comfortable. Insecure people crave
> definiteness- to feel they know what they 'are'- and to feel they know
> what others 'are'. Give Morrissey some respect for not playing your stupid
> game and leave him alone.

> sincerely, etc.

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