Chart Entry - Your Predictions?


Girl Unafraid

Considering that I have been living in hell (or was it haven) for the past week, I only managed to buy the single on Thursday - and only then because somebody texted me to say "have you got the new single yet?" - my point being is that there has been absolutely NO publicity (apart from on this site and the official morrissey one, whatever it is).

I've had my trusty radio with me, and upon requesting the New Morrissey Single, the not-very-well-hung DJ played me "Sheila Take a Bow". But I'm not complaining, as of course I'm not one to complain.

And on the official TOTP top 40 site

there is no mention at all.

With all this is mind, my crystal ball and me have come to the conclusion that the New Single will chart at number..... 17.

Any other offers?
NO.41 !!!

unless every moz fan buys TWO copies!shame really cos there's a light would definitely deserve a top 2 spot, as for redondo beach who can say??
I got the three-pack bundle from HMV UK but I live in the USA

It's probably smart of him not to release all the singles in the USA because all of our orders will inflate his chart position in the UK.
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