charmingirl you can have your name back



I've de-registered it so you can have it back if you like. You silly bitch!
> I've de-registered it so you can have it back if you like. You silly
> bitch!

can i have it instead, she doesn't seem to want it back.
yeah sure, go for it. Hopefully you'll use it wisely and not talk as much utter shit as she does.
by the way, what is it specifically that you know that I don't?
> by the way, what is it specifically that you know that I don't?

that you're a f***ing cock who nicks other people's names and that your mum takes it up the arse.
by the way is it still an insult to say a woman takes it up the arse? I think it is great that women take it up the arse otherwise I'd never have had the undoubted pleasure of shagging women up the shitter. Still I'm sure your mother only ever did it in the missionary position and I'm sure that makes her more wonderful in some way.
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