Album on sale at Camden Market today



Went up to Camden Market this morning - saw the new album for sale on 3 stalls - same cover - for £6. I know I shouldn't have but I bought one. Got talking to one of the stall owners - he reckoned he'd sold over 50 during the weekend.
You know what i mean, are the tracks the real doo, obviously copies :s

Not the best choice of words i must admit, im off to Gorton Market to see if i can pick up a 'Tingreader of the Rormentors' album for 50p to get home and be disappointed to buy another Des O Connor compilation

> you have a larrrf ?
Re: You know what i mean, are the tracks the real doo, obviously copies :s

I've played it - only heard snippets from this and other sites yesterday - but all seems ok. Obviously its a bootleg - but these days you only need a CD copy and you're away. Makes you wonder how many sales will be hit.
Re: You know what i mean, are the tracks the real doo, obviously copies :s

so did you enjoy the album?
Ok, didn't work, please email me if you have time, thank you
And this is why..............................

...........Sanctuary are in shit!
i worked in "the biz" for 17 years ......there is only one place finished "promo" copies have leaked from ........their own orrifices
reps? greedy dealers? Camden Market is a bit close to home don't you think?
Re: Album on sale at Camden Market today - are you gonna post it?

> Went up to Camden Market this morning - saw the new album for sale on 3
> stalls - same cover - for £6. I know I shouldn't have but I bought one.
> Got talking to one of the stall owners - he reckoned he'd sold over 50
> during the weekend.

or can you email people?
if so, please(!)
[email protected]

Re: And this is why..............................

Not necessarily..... We've read plenty of reviews so far so it's obvious that promos have already been handed out to journalists. It's very common practice for some of them to earn some extra cash by selling them.

There was that thing on the news the other day that the singer from The Darkness, whatever his name is, bought one of his own pre-release promos off someone on ebay. Needless to say, the person had the police knockin on their door a couple of hours later. But how to catch someone selling it in the dark muddy back streets of Camden Town????

> ...........Sanctuary are in shit!
> i worked in "the biz" for 17 years ......there is only one place
> finished "promo" copies have leaked from ........their own
> orrifices
> reps? greedy dealers? Camden Market is a bit close to home don't you
> think?
> ;-)
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