A little bird told me....


A Nonny Mouse

Today I heard some terrible gossip. I wouldnt care if the source was not so reliable.

Basically it was that Morrissey is going back to the UK for a few months with a FEMALE companion who he is currently involved with, and has been with for at least a few months. He asked her to go with him.

Not a personal assistant.


This is a cold, ugly, unforgiving world in which we live; if Morrissey has found someone out there who brings him the slightest bit of joy, then why be so upset about it?

Isn't that all we really want out of this world, anyway? Someone around for us?

I'd consider it a MAJOR accomplishment, myself.

OK, so I'm not in a very happy place right now.

Sorry folks.
>If this is true---good for him. I guess there goes the "Moz is gay" theory.
A fat lass told me...

>If this is true---good for him. I guess there goes the "Moz is gay" theory

I know that's what we all say, but I expect everyone has that little sinking feeling when they read gossip like this. For the sad, pathetic fact is, we don't want him to have anybody, for as long as he is alone, he belongs to us.

But sod it. I have someone with a million Morrissey's. But the irony is, I have Morrissey to thank for that. Sigh...you're a right crafty bugger, aren't you?


> I guess there goes the "Moz is gay" theory.

Not necessarily. He could quite well be a lesbian?!
Re: A fat lass told me...

A fat lass?! You should ask greasetea about fat lasses...he has one stalking him right now. Hehe, she's so fat she even has fat hands...this is funny to me.

> Not necessarily. He could quite well be a lesbian?!

Yes indeed ,

Any idea what the pattern on his finger ring is? Is there an 'M' or is there some other design? When at the Museum of London I saw a ring with a motif that looked like the one on Moz's ring and apparently it's worn by Richmond and Putney Lesbians to surreptitiously identify themselves......what a clever idea.
Dear Nonny,

It's not Morag Siller by any stretch of the minds eye, would it? Iim sure he would get on famously with Rubenesque types. Or enyone who has appeared in one of his vids' as she has. Most big women would fall at Mozzas' feet. Rather like Miss Carphone Warehouse 2000 herself, and that Canadian boy.


> Not necessarily. He could quite well be a lesbian?!

but ... if he's lesbian, then that's it for the gay story, right? I mean, how can you be both gay and lesbian at the same time? at least one combination then will be forced into straightness.
if you see what we mean.

well ... no English frowning intended.
Re: I'd bet my right arm....

..... that this is indeed a rumour and nothing more than that.

Oh, will we grant them a little bit of public elusiveness, back in Blighty? I do hope so.

Cheers to the Moz, if it's ever confirmed, I'll crack two bottles of champaign! For both of them.
Re: Rationalising the irration?

Are you tripping?!

> but ... if he's lesbian, then that's it for the gay story,
> right?

Erm, I quite unshakeably believe that Lesbianism would tend towards homosexuality somewhat.

> I mean, how can you be both gay and lesbian at the same
> time?

I never said he was both at the same time!

> at least one combination then will be forced into
> straightness. if you see what we mean.

Have you really truly, forehead slappingly, taken my comment seriously?! If so how exasperatingly earnest of you.

> well ... no English frowning intended.

Much English sighing abounding.
Re: Rationalising the irr[it]ation?

> Are you tripping?!

right on! "as I always was"

> Have you really truly, forehead slappingly, taken my comment
> seriously?! If so how exasperatingly earnest of you.

did you take mine seriously? in that case, THAT was "exasperatingly earnest of you", colour wild!

oh ... those slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

luv ya,
W.W. ("unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed")
Re: A fat lass told me...

Dear Cin,

Has she got little fat chubby cheeks as well. Would Grease put in a good word for me - even though he has been hotile about my messages to him?

It's not Pauline Quirk is it? Oh I wish.

Has enyone seen Lisa Tarbuck doin' Blockbusters. What a snotty voice she uses; and the patronism is nausiating.
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