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  1. W

    Nottingham - Capital FM Arena (Mar.13, 2015) post-show

    Indeed. But that was a good set of songs. World Peace isn't.
  2. W

    Morrissey postpones 013 gig (Tilburg, NL) due to illness; new date Mar. 29, 2015

    I am sorry for all the fans who had tickets for this show - and indeed any other show that Moz has cancelled over the years. People get older, lose enthusiasm and I suspect it is the same for Morrissey. I made the decision to stop seeing him live after a lackluster show in LA a few years ago...
  3. W

    Article: Morrissey to play four nights at the Sydney Opera House as headliner of Vivid Live 2015 (Ma

    "The subsequent release of World Peace Is None of Your Business proved to be a masterpiece that resonated worldwide with fans and critics alike." I missed that ...
  4. W

    Morrissey rumored for Firefly Festival (Delaware, June 18-21, 2015)

    Re: Morrissey - rumored headliner at Firefly Festival in Delaware Hold on to the hate. Festivals are vile. Not worth it dude ...:squiffy:
  5. W

    Paris concert from Oct. 27 to be broadcast on French radio (Dec. 20, 2014)

    This recording sounds bloody awful. I think I will dig out my vinyl copy of 'Beethoven Was Deaf' - recorded with an excellent, cohesive band and featuring songs like 'Jack The Ripper', 'We'll Let You Know' and 'I Know It's Gonna' Happen Someday'. I prefer to think of Moz this way … don't like...
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    Warsaw - Stodola (Nov. 19, 2014) post-show

    As a longtime fan myself, I have to agree with you. Sad but true.:confused:
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    Warsaw - Stodola (Nov. 19, 2014) post-show

    PJ Proby was pretty legendary in his day for no shows, walking off mid song and chucking abuse at the punters. Don't think he can hold a candle to Mozza though. Incidentally, PJ's version of 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' is cracking …
  8. W

    Warsaw - Stodola (Nov. 19, 2014) post-show

    People chucked piss at the New Yorks Dolls and called them queer … fag's … scum. They never walked off stage in a tizzy, they stood their ground and played harder. Ditto The Pistols. Ditto Penetration. Ditto Buzzcocks … ditto every f***ing band Morrissey admires. He isn't a f***ing opera singer...
  9. W

    Warsaw - Stodola (Nov. 19, 2014) post-show

    Demented Hatred? Please. I love Moz and have done since seeing The S****** on the Meat is Murder tour. But I have my critical faculties and I find his behavior of recent years inexcusable. Many of his fans go to great lengths, practical and economic to attend several shows at various venues. To...
  10. W

    Warsaw - Stodola (Nov. 19, 2014) post-show

    "Devious, truculent and unreliable" … again. How the f*** does he get insurance to tour? Like Welles' Citizen Kane, Moz has become a 'cartoon-like caricature of a man who is hollowed out on the inside. Forlorn, defeated, solitary because he cannot command the total obedience, loyalty...
  11. W

    Stockholm - Hovet (Nov. 13, 2014) post-show

    One Of Our Own / Scandinavia / Kick The Bride Down The Aisle / Meat Is Murder … bloody hell, that's a bit of an endurance test innit?
  12. W

    Basel gig tonight cancelled according to venue site

    Bottom line. If you have had recurring major health issues - don't tour - don't disappoint people. Forget the pay check. Stay home and get well.
  13. W

    Basel gig tonight cancelled according to venue site

    Leonard Cohen was in his 70's and he managed two world tours, no dates cancelled and played for over two hrs each night. Nick Cave is two years older than Morrisneezy and he manages to tour, throw his arms about, and not cancel dates. Morrissey is not a f***ing geriatric … just a lazy arse who...
  14. W

    Morrissey's gig in Lyon cancelled (updated)

    Moz gets bored easily. There again, so would I if I had to sing songs from World Peace every night. Just compare his tour schedule and subsequent cancellations to Nick Cave 57, and Leonard Cohen, 80. Moz canceling a gig on a tour is no longer news. News would be a tour that was undertaken with...
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    Utrecht - TivoliVredenburg (Oct. 28, 2014) post-show

    Hazard. You can't really believe WP is better than Strangeways … I agree that some of the arrangements on WP are interesting, but too much of it is half baked. What really let's it down in the lyrics - they are rubbish. Sad, because Mozz has the best voice and range of his career these days...
  16. W

    Utrecht - TivoliVredenburg (Oct. 28, 2014) post-show

    You have nice friends. I saw Moz in LA LA before the tour cancellation fiasco. I also left early. The show was tepid at best, and agree, his current band need to go: No grace and no class. WP is not a strong record and live it is pounded to with an inch of its life by Tobias earnest ham fisting...
  17. W

    Madrid - Barclaycard Center (Oct. 9, 2014) post-show

    - Kick the bride down the aisle / Meat is murder / World peace is none of your business, woah, way to shift into down gear for 15 minutes. Bet the bar was full ...
  18. W

    Madrid (Oct. 9) and Barcelona (Oct. 10) concerts listed, poster; on sale Sep. 2

    So Canada is forever verboten because of the seal cull, but 'Gaga in Malaga' Spain is okay. What a monumental hypocrite this man has become. Sickening.
  19. W

    Morrissey statement on tour cancellation -

    I have been reflecting on this news for the last few days. It is indeed very sad, and such a grubby end to what started with a flash of excitement and some intrigue: a cache of new songs, those novel and artistic spoken word videos - and then this. As someone who has followed Morrissey's career...
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