What's the best moz song to commit suicide to?

Well I always wondered if this sort of topic came
up at Moz chat boards, and I was not wrong. Let me
preface my list by saying, killing myself would be
pointless because these tunes are what I live for!

1. Seasick, Yet Still Docked - try not to heave a
big wet sob when he croons "...I have no charm"

2. I Am Hated For Loving - perfect for the "nobody
appreciates me" suicide.

3. Ordinary Boys - just kind of sums up the baggage,
doesn't it?

Now as for a list of music that *makes* one want to
commit suicide, well... anything by Mariah Carey.
> Now as for a list of music that *makes* one want to
> commit suicide, well... anything by Mariah Carey.

LOL, Britney Spears is even worse. britney is a good reason to leave this world.
I always thought the obvious choice would be "Asleep" from Smiths' Louder than Bombs.

If you're considering suicide, you should at least wait until Morrissey releases his next album of new material, that should give you plenty of time to change your mind.
> If you're considering suicide, you should at least wait until Morrissey
> releases his next album of new material...

The thought of his next album is what keeps me hanging on. But what if the new material is so disappointing it makes me want to kill myself all over again? lol. I think my song of choice would be "The Edges Are No Longer Parallel".
None: sad as some of them may be, smiths/Moz songs are so beautiful they actually make us cling to this world.
The obvious choices: I Know It's Over, Asleep, Last Night I Dreamt
None, of course

Even the most "miserable" ones have made me, if not laugh, at least smile. The man has a very underated sense of humour.
'Well I wonder' almost made me, 'End It All'..

I was really drunk, hurt and alone. I was even considering writting, 'The Final stand of all I am' in blood over my bed. Sorry if this scares any1, I'm sober and happy now. The suicide attempt was 10 yrs ago.
The reality

I attempted it around 8 years ago, and there is a trick. It takes a while to die unless you use a bullet. In that long waiting period you can hear more that one song.

I heard both Strangeways and Meat is murder albums all the way through, twice, before I passed out. And the tape kept jamming and I had to keep ejecting it and fiddling with it.

Very unromantic.
Re: 'Well I wonder' almost made me, 'End It All'..

Of course! How could I forget Well I wonder?
> I was really drunk, hurt and alone. I was even considering writting, 'The
> Final stand of all I am' in blood over my bed. Sorry if this scares any1,
> I'm sober and happy now. The suicide attempt was 10 yrs ago.
> None: sad as some of them may be, smiths/Moz songs are so beautiful they
> actually make us cling to this world.

I find hope.

"Oh believe me, I will be here.."
>If I didn't have Morrissey's beautiful lyrics, I might've contemplated suicide many a time.
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