Topical thought for the day


Glamorous Poo

Speaking purely hypothetically of course, but how does a moderator on any board or forum make decisions totally removed from any personal considerations?

It seems to me that no matter how a person claims to moderate fairly they are bound to be influenced on whether to save or delete a message by who the poster actually is.Friend or foe for example.It`s human nature really isn`t it?

Is there a professional body of mods or anything similar whereby they would provide, for a fee of course, a person to moderate totally impartially? I realise the person sent/chosen would need at least some knowledge of the subject matter,but in my view that may be a better way than a regular poster doing the job who has built up a friend/enemy base over a period of time.Even if they remain or at least try to stay anonymous. I`m sure such a person would tell their closest friends however their "secret"!

I suppose though that if such a person stayed with the board and indeed participated even they may eventually go "native" so to speak.The way around that possible scenario would be for the company, if indeed they exist,to regulary rotate the mod and not let them post either.Of course though how many would have the required subject knowledge? They would soon run out of suitable candidates.

We wouldn`t want a womans institute mod or man from the sally army board moderating a Morrissey forum would we? Athough on the other hand............

Still it`s an interesting thought! What is the most satisfactory way?
> Speaking purely hypothetically of course, but how does a moderator on any
> board or forum make decisions totally removed from any personal
> considerations?

> It seems to me that no matter how a person claims to moderate fairly they
> are bound to be influenced on whether to save or delete a message by who
> the poster actually is.Friend or foe for example.It`s human nature really
> isn`t it?

> Is there a professional body of mods or anything similar whereby they
> would provide, for a fee of course, a person to moderate totally
> impartially? I realise the person sent/chosen would need at least some
> knowledge of the subject matter,but in my view that may be a better way
> than a regular poster doing the job who has built up a friend/enemy base
> over a period of time.Even if they remain or at least try to stay
> anonymous. I`m sure such a person would tell their closest friends however
> their "secret"!

> I suppose though that if such a person stayed with the board and indeed
> participated even they may eventually go "native" so to
> speak.The way around that possible scenario would be for the company, if
> indeed they exist,to regulary rotate the mod and not let them post
> either.Of course though how many would have the required subject
> knowledge? They would soon run out of suitable candidates.

> We wouldn`t want a womans institute mod or man from the sally army board
> moderating a Morrissey forum would we? Athough on the other
> hand............

> Still it`s an interesting thought! What is the most satisfactory way?

What,no responses? No one agrees or disagrees with me? Or are you all not interested or would rather not come forward for whatever reason?

I thought at the very least my post would provide a platform for any members to say my question is irrelevant as the moderator of this particular board is doing such a good job.Or indeed to say that member xyz is or is not the mod.

Perhaps that might reveal too much however,especially if saying who the person isnt?

Still,I find the subject intriguing even if the rest of you dont appear to.
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