To whom it may concern:



One more post about Julia (for or against) will result in my hunting you down and beating you with a rubber hose.
sod off, we're free to express any opinions we want on here

no one is suggesting anything other than they either think she's ok, or they think she's sad - what's the problem?

it's morrissey's fault for making her the centre of his attention during gigs, he probably gets off on the jealousy... if he wants the booing to stop, he should stop obsessing over a spoilt rich kid like julia riley and she could stop trying to steal the limelight by standing by the stage etc.

no one would know julia's name if he hadn't thanked her on the quarry sleevenotes...she could have asked him to take her name off... but she didn't.. therefore we're entitled to call her sad, which is what she is

did I mention that morrissey's boyfriend broken/hectorr is the biggest twat in this site's history?

thought not.

> One more post about Julia (for or against) will result in my hunting you
> down and beating you with a rubber hose.
When I heard they had 'booed' her I felt bad for her. She's fair game on the net but to Heckle her at a show is just plain mean. The crowds at these last few shows aren't very forthcoming either, considering the small venues and then you read the threads on the main page and there is just Nothing!, not even set lists, although I haven't read them today so maybe someone sent one in or maybe a few Interesting posts have been added.

> sod off, we're free to express any opinions we want on here

> no one is suggesting anything other than they either think she's ok, or
> they think she's sad - what's the problem?

> it's morrissey's fault for making her the centre of his attention during
> gigs, he probably gets off on the jealousy... if he wants the booing to
> stop, he should stop obsessing over a spoilt rich kid like julia riley and
> she could stop trying to steal the limelight by standing by the stage etc.

> no one would know julia's name if he hadn't thanked her on the quarry
> sleevenotes...she could have asked him to take her name off... but she
> didn't.. therefore we're entitled to call her sad, which is what she is

> did I mention that morrissey's boyfriend broken/hectorr is the biggest
> twat in this site's history?

> thought not.
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