the strokes



so, out of the haze of nu-metal, boy bands, teen whores, synthetic and barely listenable music, mass amounts of money thrown into elaborate set design/costumes/promotional material designed to sell these totally average KIDS instead of their music,
comes a band that doesnt really care about all that and just wants to make music. in the articles ive read about them, they never once compared themselves to any other band. its the reporters that do that job - as they always have. they are talented, if you give them a chance. too bad everyone here can never manage to compliment anything other than themselves. move on, not everything good is "underground".
Re: the strokes and Michelle's wet smelly scrotum

Thank you very not much for your worthless if not pointless opinion. Next time you wish to again speak out...simply don't.

In fact I have a little exercise you cookie eating slutjob, when you hear those Klingklang (helllooooooo Karl Bartos) voices speak in your head and you want to open that cavity you call an asshole...just stop that annoying habit of breathing.

Asphyxiation is the best remedy for you if not a nice gang of gorilla's banging you to a banana slit heaven. Simply put: "Hey bitch, shut your fuggin mealy mouthies and make me a chicken cassarole douchebag from river styx!"
It's happened before.

The Strokes' hype reminds me of the Sugarcubes, Oasis, Stone Roses, Radiohead, Suede etc. Give it two years and they'll be spoken of as just another overpraised, undertalented band.
Re: that is a true talent with words you have there

nice. very nice. clever, witty, colorful, imaginative...all of these and more. in fact, i feel HONORED that you used your precious time and talent to speak to ME. truly, something i wont forget.
Re: that is a true talent with words you have there

You should feel honored.It was an honor that we even talk to you in the first place.You're a dried up cum.stain on my toilet seat.
Re: uh huh

See you know what we speak of. Just be thankful we let you out of your cage from time to time. Now blow me and we'll forget this ever happened.
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