The story is old... but "Speedway"...


True To Who?

who is he talking about at the end? is Johnny the overall consensus?

And all those lies
Written lies, twisted lies
Well, they weren't lies
They weren't lies
They weren't lies

I never said
I never said
I could have mentioned your name
I could have dragged you in
Guilt by implication
By association
I've always been true to you
In my own strange way
I've always been true to you
In my own sick way
I'll always stay true to you
> who is he talking about at the end? is Johnny the overall consensus?

Like all good Morrissey songs, it's a gay song. It's about how it was no lie that he is as queer as a 3 dollar bill. As for who he could've "outed"...could it be the journalist with whom he supposedly had a fling?
> Like all good Morrissey songs, it's a gay song. It's about how it was no
> lie that he is as queer as a 3 dollar bill. As for who he could've
> "outed"...could it be the journalist with whom he supposedly had
> a fling?

Queer, gay, fag... it's as obvious as snow, but has he ever said he was? To my knowledge he never said anything about it, as it is totally irrelevant to the music. But then again, I haven't read an article about him in 5 years...
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