Kid Joe K

The Spellmaster unties his victim, a young woman he has been spying on for two weeks straight. Now, after a minor struggle she is HIS.

The over cast sky looms above him, a mild mist circles his feet. His home country was never this beautifull, but he did learn how to make an excellent bomb.

He enjoyed watching the girl struggle at his feet. The fear in her eyes sends a shivering shot through Spellmaster's loins. He begins to shake.

"No more cookies for you,no more, no more cookies for you!" He mutters in a strange caddence, trying not to damage his prize as he tossed "it" into the trunk of his mother's car.

Before closing the trunk he looked again at "it" He was quite proud of the neat and efficent job he had done taping "it's" arms and legs, the silver duct tape looked beautifull to him. He quivered again, popping a pill into his mouth.
He closed the trunk.

Driving away he looked out the window, the mishaped buildings and houses sent a shard of pain through his brain.
Then a young goth couple.
"What!?" He cried, nearly crashing the car.
"Why are they not dressed like me! I followed the rules! I followed the rules! I FOLLOWED THE RULES!!! and what do i get nothing but cookies!! ARRRRrrRRR"
He tapers off , the couple look around trying to locate the orgin of the pained cries.
He begins to whisper to himself"Their sick! dressed like that they look like ax murderers! not me, not me. I look normal! I am normal!, just like everyone else. ahhhhhh."
He felt a wave of relief.

He arrives at the warehouse. Removes "it" from the car pulling her into his dark sanctuary.
He removes the binding, save for the gag in her mouth.
He eyes glass over and he leans into her.
She lets out a muffled cry.
Spellmaster cant concentrate, something is not right, The darkness seems to be moving.
Then a sound.
From the shadows appears the likes of gods and demons.... Boz.
"That aint yours, cocksucker" Boz mumbles the words as he pulls out a copy of the Cambridge New Edition Dictionary. He pulls back his right arm, and flings the thousand page book at Spellmaster, lobbing off his head.
The body falls to the floor twitching like a mad insect.

Boz unties the beautifull young woman. Her eyes wet with gratitude.


I don't know if I find more disturbing the fact that you dwell with enthusiasm on the kidnapping, or you ended the story with Boz referring to the girl as an 'it' as well.
> I don't know if I find more disturbing the fact that you dwell
> with enthusiasm on the kidnapping, or you ended the story with
> Boz referring to the girl as an 'it' as well.

Good grief! This is not a personal fanstasy of mine. The enthusiasm, as you put it, was that of the "Spellmaster". I was trying to make a pretty broad point here, oh well.
I freely admit that my little tale was basic in the extreme, sloppy and strangely skips from past to present tense.

At what point does Boz refer to the girl as "it" ?
He says something like "that aint yours", and, yeah maybe that is....Okay your right, but thats a bit of semantics is all.
Boz lets the kidnapper know in his own language that the girl is not his. That "it" is not his.
If you have any other concerns by all means please let me know.

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