the rain that flattens my hair...

Mm, that was around Southpaw Grammar time wasn't it? I didn't mind it too much but didn't Alain have it like that at the same time?- maybe it was some crazy quiff flattening disease...
i thought he looked great with it like that. brings out the face. very nice.
> Mm, that was around Southpaw Grammar time wasn't it? I didn't mind it too
> much but didn't Alain have it like that at the same time?- maybe it was
> some crazy quiff flattening disease...

erm, maladjusted actually.
god, you people.
That was what I call his Gomer Pyle stage. I thought he was Gomer's relative in that video.
Not flattering at all.
> I am SO glad Moz got past this stage with the ol' hair..
These are the things that kill me: Yeh, that and the lawn mower
man flattened my azalea today. Grrrr. My son had the day off school. Grrr.
etcetera etcetera ad infinitum. At least Morrissey's still nice.
> That was what I call his Gomer Pyle stage. I thought he was Gomer's
> relative in that video.
> Not flattering at all.

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