Tatoos on the girls (no Moz)

  • Thread starter someraincoatedloverspunybrother
  • Start date


Can anyone explain to me the fascination girls have with getting those "ass tatoos" (as I call them)? You know the one that are right above the "cheeks" on the lower back.
When this fad of high rise shirts and low riding trousers is over, no one will know they are there, not even the one "wearing" it. The only exception will be the bloke doing the girl from behind...and is he going to pay attention to it?

Am I the only one who thinks them a bit ridiculous, or am I just old in my thinking?
i dont like tatoos at all

did u see the one anjelina jolie had done on her back? i cringed, because i felt she was ruining her beauty. but my friend here rightly reminded me she is just having fun.
What kind of fun will it be when they are all in their 40's or more and that slim waist line is now bulgy. That tat is going to be mis-shapen and looking even more hideous.
There is a future.

"Hey granny, did you shite yourself and not wipe it all off?"
"No that's my beautiful tatoo of a rising phoenix. Isn't it just darling?"
do u ever wonder what it is that makes ppl jump into the fire? and what makes ppl stand outside?

> What kind of fun will it be when they are all in their 40's or more and
> that slim waist line is now bulgy. That tat is going to be mis-shapen and
> looking even more hideous.
> There is a future.

> "Hey granny, did you shite yourself and not wipe it all off?"
> "No that's my beautiful tatoo of a rising phoenix. Isn't it just
> darling?"
> Can anyone explain to me the fascination girls have with getting those
> "ass tatoos" (as I call them)? You know the one that are right
> above the "cheeks" on the lower back.
> When this fad of high rise shirts and low riding trousers is over, no one
> will know they are there, not even the one "wearing" it. The
> only exception will be the bloke doing the girl from behind...and is he
> going to pay attention to it?

> Am I the only one who thinks them a bit ridiculous, or am I just old in my
> thinking?

It would be ridiculous were it not so positively revolting. I believe that it is indicative of considerable decadence and I, for one, would have little to do with the slatterns who flaunt such lurid trendiness.

Yes, you are "old" in your thinking, and for that I commend you.
The whole fad for tattoos that has occurred over the last 5-10 years is all a bit sad in my opinion. I don't have a problem with people getting tattoos of things that really matter to them ie. football badge or morrissey or something but how people can feel passionately enough about a rose or a celtic design that they see fit to deface their body is beyond me. A fashion statement that will last a lifetime seems a bit daft to me and frankly I still think it makes people look like scummy bastards even though most of them are middle-class people who are slumming it. When I see a girl with her arse hanging out with a tattoo on it I just assume she is an awful slapper gasping for it up the Gary. At least there's a bit more honesty about a working class bloke with an anchor on his forearm.
> The whole fad for tattoos that has occurred over the last 5-10 years is
> all a bit sad in my opinion. I don't have a problem with people getting
> tattoos of things that really matter to them ie. football badge or
> morrissey or something but how people can feel passionately enough about a
> rose or a celtic design that they see fit to deface their body is beyond
> me. A fashion statement that will last a lifetime seems a bit daft to me
> and frankly I still think it makes people look like scummy bastards even
> though most of them are middle-class people who are slumming it. When I
> see a girl with her arse hanging out with a tattoo on it I just assume she
> is an awful slapper gasping for it up the Gary. At least there's a bit
> more honesty about a working class bloke with an anchor on his forearm.

lol, u both are v funny in your expressions.

at the festivals and county fairs here (that i love going to) they have painters who can paint tatoos onto you. i once has a growling black panther painted on my arm. it was beautiful. but, tg, it was temporary, because i was really bored the next day with it! washed off on a week. it was fun pretending to be all hells angels for a moment tho.

but i see what u mean. its like they have given up hope. maybe they see it as rebellious. but i see it as if theyve given up. i guess that means theyve accepted their working class roles in a way. no fight. just a smooth transistion into a regular working week w shit pay.
The funniest thing is people who get a tattoo to be different, stand out in a crowd, to be a individual. Needless to say the alternative becomes the mainstream. I always think tattoos look like ugly graffti on a person's body. I've seen so many pretty girls destroy beautiful bodies with horrible scrawls of ink dragons, roses, tribal patterns and the cliched butterfly. Ick.

LOF (tattoo free) " I am just a fashion accessory".
> what an extraordinary collection of vile young c***s you are.

You nailed that one, sister!
Looks like the the comments have touched a sensitive nerve??

Do you have a tat picture you'd like to share?
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