sex with morrissey

> does morrissey ever have sex

Are you being phesecious? (yes i know thats spelled wrong). I believe that he does- a lot- why else would he be so happy now? Come on, the man is a God, i'm sure he gets it anytime he wants.
Happy having lots of sex? Is that before or after the guilt sets in?
> Happy having lots of sex? Is that before or after the guilt sets in?

Why should one (and especially HE) feel guilty after having sex?
HEY! You stole my Band name!

"Sex with Morrissey" what a great name.... and its mine.
Easy one: because he was raised Catholic. The only sex he should have should be with his wife. You can ask the Pope about it or any of the other monsignors that rule my country. Can you believe we don't have a divorce law? And we have a so called "socialist" President?

> Why should one (and especially HE) feel guilty after having sex?
> Happy having lots of sex? Is that before or after the guilt sets in?

Why would you be guilty? Maybe he thinks of it as "making love" ick. I would think that its with the same person anyway. Besides guilt would make it funner no?
> Easy one: because he was raised Catholic.

Oh ok, I didn't kjnow he Is still Catholic, that would explain everything!!!
HA. (not the sarcasm)
> Easy one: because he was raised Catholic. The only sex he should have
> should be with his wife. You can ask the Pope about it or any of the other
> monsignors that rule my country. Can you believe we don't have a divorce
> law? And we have a so called "socialist" President?

Geeeeeeee, this is so tiresome. Moz has sex with men, and I don't think the pope would like this idea. EAT THIS!!!!!!!!
> Happy having lots of sex? Is that before or after the guilt sets in?


You're a good Catholic no doubt.

Good on yer.
tthe words you use should be Karl Malone

ok when i wrotee that I must havee tapped into the universal unconscious or something-never heard of yer band, good luck though-
> Besides guilt

> Yes 'funner.'

Funner.. More fun... It's funner to use incorrect grammar
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