Religon is EVIL/Don't eff with USA



The reason there are those who will kill masses
of innocent people and believe what they are
doing is GOOD and RIGHTEOUS is because their
minds are infected by the vorus of religion.
In this case, that cancer of the earth known
as the muslim religion.

Not all muslims are evil, certainly, but
the muslim religon IS evil. As is all religion.
In the Arab world they find some easily brainwashed
20something males, and program them with religious
extremism to actually want to sacrifice their
lives to kill others as a ticket to heaven.

The only bright spot in this mess is that America
now has the right to hit every Middle East target
we ever wanted to. And we will. No one attacks
our soil and lives.

I've seen messages here
about how America has done wrongs to others
and created anti-Americanism. While it's
true America has a shady record at times, and
this should not be forgotten, nevertheless,
I truly feel as an American quite proud of the fact
that America has shed much blood to try and help
much of the world, and spread the ideals of freedom
as far as possible. Sure, this can at times be
an arrogance of our way being superior, and so forth.
But I believe in my heart that America, despite its
mistakes, has wanted peace in the world.

And I do not accept that the anti-Americanism that fuels
terrorist groups has much merit. Anti-
Americanism comes largely from a jealousy of our power
and luxurious lifestyle. So they, with their Third
World mentalities and freakazoid religions, want us to be as
miserable as they are, and have now attempted to
destabilize our freedom.

This, I'm sorry, is not a
time for peace and love hippies. This is a time for
war. If there is one time I support war, it
is when someone makes a direct attack on my way of life and
my country. If there can be attacks on America
like this, our freedom will crumble. We can talk about
peace and love again about a year from now, when all
those directly and indirectly connected with this attack
are wiped off the earth. For now and the foreseeable future,
however, you're just gonna have to accept the fact that
America is going to make an impression on the middle
east that they will never forget, and they deserve
what is coming. The sleeping giant has awoken once
again. Ask Japan how it feels when that happens.
> This, I'm sorry, is not a
> time for peace and love hippies. This is a time for
> war. If there is one time I support war, it
> is when someone makes a direct attack on my way of life and
> my country.

I suppose you just joined the armed forces then?
ALL religion is @#!!!e

But America tells its people that god is on their side, as much as the Muslim religion teaches its people the same. So who do we believe????????????
'In god we trust' - my arse.

My vote is for John Lennon.
All we are saying is give peace a chance........
Imagine there is no religion, nothing to kill or die for.
Re: Evil religions advocate killing, mutulation, and the deprivation of rights of women
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