Reg Plate announces £2.5 Million Pound Autobiography Deal


Reg Plate

Reg Plate, Intrepid journalist announced that after a short but fierce bidding war his autobiography has been bought for £2.5 Million pounds.

Fear not though, for the website has bought the serialisation rights for an undisclosed amount.

It is expected that his autobiography will center on the time he spent as "the sixth Smith" during the early 80s as well as charting his own decline into drugs and alcohol abuse"

Its gonna be big...

is it going to touch on the jake/morrissey/reg love triangle at all?

> Reg Plate, Intrepid journalist announced that after a short but fierce
> bidding war his autobiography has been bought for £2.5 Million pounds.

> Fear not though, for the website has bought the
> serialisation rights for an undisclosed amount.

> It is expected that his autobiography will center on the time he spent as
> "the sixth Smith" during the early 80s as well as charting his
> own decline into drugs and alcohol abuse"

> Its gonna be big...

> Reg,
Hey Reg, if you got .5 million more that Mozzer
got for his autobiography, it better be good.

But will there be photos!?

> Reg Plate, Intrepid journalist announced that after a short but fierce
> bidding war his autobiography has been bought for £2.5 Million pounds.

> Fear not though, for the website has bought the
> serialisation rights for an undisclosed amount.

> It is expected that his autobiography will center on the time he spent as
> "the sixth Smith" during the early 80s as well as charting his
> own decline into drugs and alcohol abuse"

> Its gonna be big...

> Reg,
what about the unreleased duet with Siouxsie of 'The Biggest Aspidistra In The World' suposedly recorded 2 weeks before the 'Interlude' session, so did you put in a good word for Morrissey to enable Sioux to go ahead with him, or was it something that I made up?


> is it going to touch on the jake/morrissey/reg love triangle at all?
'The Biggest Aspidistra In The World Wouldn't Listen"

Grim, you wanna know about the recording of Aspy, as I call it, let me tell you Moz wanted to record "I'm the girl who makes the spring that goes in the thing... thats going to win the war". I said Moz thats commercial suicide, artistically it shows integrity but commercial suicide, what about that nice song about enlarged Aspidistra's.

Reg he said, Lets compromise what about that Danny La rue song "Interlewd" and thats the story of Interlude, they never recorded any songs about outsized houseplants in that session although subsequently...But thats another story


Photos are to be supplied form a reputable source.

Thanks Dancer,

Yes Photos are going to be supplied by a very fine artist as well as my own collection, Due to the Candid nature of these photos I suggest that this book will only be suitable for adults over 27 years of Age.

sorry if you are 26 or Under,


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