Re: I've been watching Fox again and I thought I'd share something with you folks

Re: Sorry, didn't proof read

> Don't worry, LOL. Thanks for the info. I guess I will stop running out to
> my mailbox. Did you hear anything about the "Marriage Tax". Is
> the marriage tax only going to be eliminated for the very wealthy or is it
> going to be for everyone.

The new law alleviates some of the "marriage penalty" by boosting the standard deduction for married couples to twice that of single filers and by widening the 15 percent tax bracket for married couples.

The combination of those two factors will save a married couple with $50,000 in income about $406, according to a tax consultant. That removes some, but not all, of the tax cost of marriage for two-income couples.

> I wasn't referring to term limits but I read that the Dems are upset
> because with Hillary's book out people are paying more attention to that
> then the candidates platforms for 2004.

IM(ns)HO I don't think many Dems are upset by Hillary's book. It's just the conservative media trying to demonize her...again. Most of them have slammed the book as lies and self promotion and have not even cracked the cover. There are links from CNN to pages that have ad banners "Stop Hillary's Book Now!"

They make complaints about her not doing her job as Senator because she is writing a book, etc. Watch and see how many of these same people show their partisanship when Trent Lott releases his book. I think it's also sad that they will slam Hillary for writing a book and not doing her job...but Bush has set the record for vacation days by a President and the economy and job market are in shreds but they praise him. Not to mention the new New York skyline.

As far as the dem candidates go...
They will have their chance to shine, or fall, and I think they appreciate the conservative attack media directing it's sights elsewhere. Except Joe Lieberman who should just retire.
Thanks for the info King George!

> The new law alleviates some of the "marriage penalty" by
> boosting the standard deduction for married couples to twice that of
> single filers and by widening the 15 percent tax bracket for married
> couples.

> The combination of those two factors will save a married couple with
> $50,000 in income about $406, according to a tax consultant. That removes
> some, but not all, of the tax cost of marriage for two-income couples.
Wonderful. whooopeeeee

> IM(ns)HO I don't think many Dems are upset by Hillary's book. It's just
> the conservative media trying to demonize her...again. Most of them have
> slammed the book as lies and self promotion and have not even cracked the
> cover. There are links from CNN to pages that have ad banners "Stop
> Hillary's Book Now!"
Really, from CNN? I don't agree with those banners. Hillary got 8 million to write a book, more power to her.
> They make complaints about her not doing her job as Senator because she is
> writing a book, etc. Watch and see how many of these same people show
> their partisanship when Trent Lott releases his book. I think it's also
> sad that they will slam Hillary for writing a book and not doing her
> job...but Bush has set the record for vacation days by a President and the
> economy and job market are in shreds but they praise him. Not to mention
> the new New York skyline.
I predict bargain bin in two weeks for the Lott book.

> As far as the dem candidates go...
> They will have their chance to shine, or fall, and I think they appreciate
> the conservative attack media directing it's sights elsewhere. Except Joe
> Lieberman who should just retire.
Im liking Howard Dean. Al Sharpton needs to go!
What's your email address, if you don't mind?


An old friend
Re: Sorry, didn't proof read

We understand you're a loyal, card-carrying Democrat, Madness of King George da shill.

But why doesn't anyone ever discuss Hillary's record as senator?

What bugs me is the way the media decides to just annoint people based on little more than celebrity. They've decided for us that she should be prez in 2008. Well, we'll still have the last word on that, I would hope. And is how many copies Hillary's book sold really such important news that I have to hear about it every day? Okay, there are 400,000 fools in America who love Hillary so much they can't think of anything better to do with $30.00 than pad her account. Lets move on to other news.

What are her accomplishments for NY? No one ever talks about that.

She married a dude who became prez, changed her hairstyle a lot, is incapable of giving a good speech, bungled health care, victimized the Travel Office employees, had taxpayer dollars used for a Nixonian report on a Washington Post reporter, is serving her first term as a worthless senator.... What else?

Compare and contrast her job as a NY senator with that of Chuck Schumer. You guys can say I listen to Rush, or whatever, but Schumer is a *hardcore* Democrat and I clearly suggested he would be a decent presidential candidate in the future.

And it's funny how Madness of King George da shill seems to just adore Hillary and Bill yet he's one of the people who kept calling me names for supporting Tony Blair's position on Iraq. Gee, that wasn't BILL CLINTON a couple months back on 60 Minutes saying, "As usual, I agree with Tony Blair" on the subject of Iraq? And that wasn't Hillary Clinton a few months ago who stated she was privy to the same exact intelligence reports as W. concerning WMDs in Iraq and had "no doubt" about the threat?

Madness, your partisanship never ceases to astound me. I've never been able to work out what you believe in, beyond your shilling for that rotting corpse of a Democratic Party. You should go buy Sidney Blumenthal's new book and have him autograph it for you. I'm sure that scoundrel is your hero.

And somewhere in this thread you said something like you'd put up with anything from Slick if you could just have him back for the economy.

Is the economy really all you care about? It's okay to let corruption slide, so long as we have a bull market this year?

And what exactly are you giving credit to Clinton for over the economy? As I recall, that stock market was known to be a fraud for years before the bubble inevitably burst. Clinton took office with the ecnomic boom already underway, and he left office with the recession already beginning. I'm glad you made a lot of dough in the 90s boom, which would've happened whether Clinton had been prez or not, but that's never gonna convince me I should admire the Democrats' Nixon.

As far as Trent Lott's book, that jack ass can go f*** himself as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Pundit Oaf answers your questions

> I laughed when she said the
> first thing she noticed about Bill was his hands.

Is that what she says? Actually, I can understand that. I notice hands too.

> LOL. Its a shame that Guiliani was diagnosis with cancer because he would
> have won that race. Im hoping Condi Rice runs in 2008. It would be nice to
> have a presidential election without a Bush or Dole on the Republican
> ticket.

I saw some interview with Matt Drudge and in passing he mentioned the word is out there's a lot of dirt on Rice floating around. He doesn't know what it is, but that's what people are telling him. Hmmm! Don't know what to make of that.

> The Democrats agree with you about the Clinton's getting off
> the stage.

I don't wanna discuss that scumbucket anymore. Suffice it to say I'll forever be a proud Clinton HATER. I don't care what anyone says.

Why isn't John Edwards doing better? He seems like an almost decent fellow.

> I'm still waiting for George Bush to take Iraq's oil. Gas prices are going
> up again. Seriously though, I have some bad vibes. I have a feeling things
> are about to explode.

Some people in America wake up every day, check the headlines, and hope some disastor happened in Iraq. They especially hope a lot of people die, if it can damage W's chances in the election. That makes me sick. They're sure quick to jump on any headline they can, which is a dangerous game in times like these. But they go silent when things don't pan out as disastorously as they prayed for. 170,000 artifacts looted from the Baghdad museum? Whoops, turns out the number was off by about 169,970! Iraqis are grumbling about no electricity and closed hospitals? Whoops, sorry folks, as of June more Iraqis have electricity than did before the war, the hospitals are open, the schools are open, and the war was under-budget. I guess that story wasn't covered last week at
Re: Sorry, didn't proof read

> We understand you're a loyal, card-carrying Democrat, Madness of King
> George da shill.
Hmm... Well not so loyal as I am extremely upset at the timidity of the Democrats currently. But I'm also upset at the whole system. Corporations have taken over and both parties have lost their direction.

> But why doesn't anyone ever discuss Hillary's record as senator?
They made her into a political celebrity. It's like Princess DI envy. It was more important what dress she was wearing than her progress on eliminating landmines, etc. However, another part of the problem lies in the VWRC and it's constant b.s. attacks on Hillary. Be it her running down a security guard at 60 mph or her refusing to meet with the mothers of veterans or her ordering French Fries and not freedom fries, etc.

> What bugs me is the way the media decides to just annoint people based on
> little more than celebrity. They've decided for us that she should be prez
> in 2008. Well, we'll still have the last word on that, I would hope.

Agreed. Hopefully our votes matter this time.

I think the media would like to see her run because it sells newspapers and advertising. At least she would be able to personally handle the press conferences.

> And is how many copies Hillary's book sold really such important news that I
> have to hear about it every day? Okay, there are 400,000 fools in America
> who love Hillary so much they can't think of anything better to do with
> $30.00 than pad her account. Lets move on to other news.

Again, I think it is America's Princess Di envy.

> What are her accomplishments for NY? No one ever talks about that.
> She married a dude who became prez, changed her hairstyle a lot, is
> incapable of giving a good speech, bungled health care, victimized the
> Travel Office employees, had taxpayer dollars used for a Nixonian report
> on a Washington Post reporter, is serving her first term as a worthless
> senator.... What else?

Haha, you ask why people don't talk about what she has done as Senator and then bring up health care and travelgate, etc. I think you should ask yourself that question.

> Compare and contrast her job as a NY senator with that of Chuck Schumer.
> You guys can say I listen to Rush, or whatever, but Schumer is a
> *hardcore* Democrat and I clearly suggested he would be a decent
> presidential candidate in the future.

What did George Bush the "media creation" do to deserve the Presidency? It's a popularity contest. It's all about marketing the product and selling it to the people. One can only hope that well informed voters decide in the end.

> And it's funny how Madness of King George da shill seems to just adore
> Hillary and Bill yet he's one of the people who kept calling me names for
> supporting Tony Blair's position on Iraq.

Oaf I rarely if ever directly called you names while at the same time you have taken all sorts of vulgar shots. Demonize me for not agreeing with you politically, not for that.

> Gee, that wasn't BILL CLINTON a
> couple months back on 60 Minutes saying, "As usual, I agree with Tony
> Blair" on the subject of Iraq? And that wasn't Hillary Clinton a few
> months ago who stated she was privy to the same exact intelligence reports
> as W. concerning WMDs in Iraq and had "no doubt" about the
> threat?

oaf If that is the case then I disagree with them strongly and I would ask the same questions to them that I ask to you and Bush and Blair...Why were we lied to regarding WMD's?

However, having said that I would love to see the transcripts and get the context of the conversation. I know Bill has been quite supportive in a lot of his responses regarding Iraq...but is it his place to be the most vocal dissenter?

> Madness, your partisanship never ceases to astound me. I've never been
> able to work out what you believe in, beyond your shilling for that
> rotting corpse of a Democratic Party. You should go buy Sidney
> Blumenthal's new book and have him autograph it for you. I'm sure that
> scoundrel is your hero.

You say that like you are the poster child for "fair and balanced". (Double slam intended)

> And somewhere in this thread you said something like you'd put up with
> anything from Slick if you could just have him back for the economy.
> Is the economy really all you care about? It's okay to let corruption
> slide, so long as we have a bull market this year?

Haha, "Slick". How very fair and Balanced of you. Anyways, you want to talk about corruption? The President lies to us regarding WMD's and leads us into a war, silences the dissenters, is giving huge amounts of money to his corporate friends through tax breaks and exclusive government contracts while doing nothing constructive to help a comatose economy and you are still of the mind that "Slick" getting a blowjob is a Constitutional crisis. Nevermind that the same people that brought you Iran Contra, Cambodia and East Timor, are back in charge or working as advisors and administrators.

> And what exactly are you giving credit to Clinton for over the economy? As
> I recall, that stock market was known to be a fraud for years before the
> bubble inevitably burst. Clinton took office with the ecnomic boom already
> underway, and he left office with the recession already beginning. I'm
> glad you made a lot of dough in the 90s boom, which would've happened
> whether Clinton had been prez or not, but that's never gonna convince me I
> should admire the Democrats' Nixon.

HAHA The economy is cyclical. Up during Democrat terms and down during Republican terms. Remember when the Republican leadership and RUsh said that the economy was doomed and Clinton would bankrupt the economy with his plans for tax raises, etc. back in 93? I guess they didn't see the "inevitability" of Reagans, ahem, genius. Over the last 75 years the stock market has performed far better under democrats than republicans. Bush is currently going to be the first President since Nixon to have a negative growth rating.

The current tax cuts with the way they are structured are doing nothing but hurting the economy. They keep saying they will promote job creation and spur the economy. We have lost almost 2 million jobs since the first tax cuts went into effect "to promote job creation". Bush inherited a record surplus. Lets say that again. A record surplus. Even if the economy was heading into a downturn, how do you take that and turn it into a record deficit in 2 years? Oh yeah...blame Clinton. That's all republicans seem to do.

> As far as Trent Lott's book, that jack ass can go f*** himself as far as
> I'm concerned.

I wouldn't put it quite that way...but I do agree
Re: Thanks for the info King George!

> I predict bargain bin in two weeks for the Lott book.

From what I hear, there are organizations that buy up these books like Ann Coulter's books, to get them on the best seller lists and then return them for re-sale. That's why a lot of the time you see these best seller books on the discount tables as best sellers for 75% off. You never see Stephen King's best sellers on the discount tables. It's always political books.

> Im liking Howard Dean. Al Sharpton needs to go!

haha Boondocks would agree with you about Al. Yes, Dean looks like he has a good chance. It's looking like Edwards, Kerry, and Dean are the top 3.
Re: What's your email address, if you don't mind?

> Signed,

> An old friend

Well it's bound to be less boring than today.

[email protected]
Hillary on "Biography"

Hey Oaf, quick note

Don't think you would be interested in this...but you wondered what her qualifications were so... It was on last night..what is it..A&E? I think so. Too lazy to look currently, but it will probably air again over the weekend a couple of times. I didn't catch all of it but I was suprised at how much she has accomplished.
Re: Hillary on "Biography"

Hell yes. She sure has accomplished a lot more than running an extremely unsuccessful business and making money for the state she's governing by completely sacrificing its environmental health. Let's face it. Bush has next to no qualifications. He was a failure at everything he did prior to becoming governor of Texas, and it's pretty hard to fail at that job. As long as you keep the executions going, you're A-OK. Oaf whines that Hillary is riding on Bill's coat tails, but says nothing about the obvious nepotism involved in our current president's rise to power. Who's da shill now, bitch?
Re: Hillary on "Biography"

That should read, "helping to govern," since, of course, she is a Senator and not a Governor.
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