Quiz: Do you know who these famous Brians are? Please help (no Moz)



Hey guys, have any of you any idea who either of these guys are below? I know that they are both called Brian and are both famous, but I don't know their surnames.

Thanks in advance for taking a look,

I think the one on the right (with a quiff) it's Brian Setzer.
The other one I don't recognise.
The pics are too small.

> Hey guys, have any of you any idea who either of these guys are below? I
> know that they are both called Brian and are both famous, but I don't know
> their surnames.

> Thanks in advance for taking a look,
> R.
The first one looks a bit like Brian A. Hopkins or Brian Jacques. Not really sure.
Re: #1 looks like actor Brian Blessed, #2 Stray Cat Brian Setzer
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