Question for any Moz-soloists in Australia (No MOz)


Reg Plate

Hi there,

If you are reading this I assume you are from Australia, If so can you tell me the best city to head to for a holiday if you don't mind snakes,reptiles or any other animal but REALLY hate spiders 'n' bugs (esp posionous ones).

Thanks for the local knowledge and one more thing, do the spiders hibernate out their like they do in the UK?


> Hi there,

> If you are reading this I assume you are from Australia, If so can you
> tell me the best city to head to for a holiday if you don't mind
> snakes,reptiles or any other animal but REALLY hate spiders 'n' bugs (esp
> posionous ones).

> Thanks for the local knowledge and one more thing, do the spiders
> hibernate out their like they do in the UK?

> Cheers,

> Reg

Yeah, firstly the whole "dangerous creature" thing is blown out of proportion, sure they are there but it's like anywhere, you gotta know where to find them .. you don't find Grizzly bears walking around New York I'm sure.

Anyhoo, I'll try and break some the capital cities down quickly.

Melbourne = Shopping, culture and nightlife, it's the most liveable city with a bit of a mix of everything.

Sydney = The biggest city, it's a little sterile but impressive none the less, but I think overated.

Adelaide = Beautiful, theres something about it that sets it apart that is hard to describe.

Hobart = Historic, old cobble stone streets and beautiful surrounding scenery.

Perth = Far to out of the way to warrant a visit unless you're planning on spending significant time in WA.

Brisbane/Cold Coast = weather, this is for the beach and time in the sun.

Darwin = The "outback" city, it's more a giant town than a city.

Canberra = The capital, very cold.

Those are the main cities you could do some more research into.
Thanks Sniffy, that is helpful, however as I state its really more of a phobia than a rational expectation of the likelehood of meeting aforesaid creatures!

Thanks for your help - a trip to the libary now I think,


i've never actually been to australia but i have friends there and the one thing i can tell you is... don't go to perth. i'm thinking melbourne is probably your best bet.. but yes, i've heard terrible things about perth. don't go there
> Hi there,

> If you are reading this I assume you are from Australia, If so can you
> tell me the best city to head to for a holiday if you don't mind
> snakes,reptiles or any other animal but REALLY hate spiders 'n' bugs (esp
> posionous ones).

> Thanks for the local knowledge and one more thing, do the spiders
> hibernate out their like they do in the UK?

> Cheers,

> Reg
As you probably know, Im in Melboourne. It's alright down here.
You might prefer Sydney or Perth. Depends on how trendy or cosmopolitan-ish you want to be. You're not going to be attacked by native bugs unless you're camping in a tent or out in someones shed in their backyard.
I mean I personally like my collection of redbacks up the side of my house, because it does my heart such a joy to know that any prowlers passing by will be shortlived. Tee hee. Have a nice holiday.
> Thanks Sniffy, that is helpful, however as I state its really more of a
> phobia than a rational expectation of the likelehood of meeting aforesaid
> creatures!

> Thanks for your help - a trip to the libary now I think,

> Cheers,

> Reg

Oh god that's hilarious, I've never had someone says "thanks sniffy" hahaha

No probs though
> Hi there,

> If you are reading this I assume you are from Australia, If so can you
> tell me the best city to head to for a holiday if you don't mind
> snakes,reptiles or any other animal but REALLY hate spiders 'n' bugs (esp
> posionous ones).

> Thanks for the local knowledge and one more thing, do the spiders
> hibernate out their like they do in the UK?

> Cheers,

> Reg
Please excuse my prior sarcasm. Spiders mainly hibernate in the winter.Oh, you'll be fine. If you are sleeping inside at nightime. Any respectable lodgings will be free of arachnids, I'm sure. I've lived here all my life and though I have
seen venemous spiders, have never been bitten by one. I've killed a few out of necessity and self protection, but really it's not that bad out here.
Thanks for the info Mauve21

Thanks for the info, it is appreciated coz I rather face a croc than a spider.


Don'tgo to Perth?

Don't go to Perth? Now you've done it! you've roused my curiosity and now I won't be happy 'til I've been to PERTH!!!

Re: When are you OFF then?

It'll be a couple o' Months I've started back with the NHS and need 2 months to accrue the holidays!

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