No I've never had a job, because I'm too shy

Employers don't like me taking time off to follow Moz tours or to spend time travelling when my want desires. It becomes increasingly harder to find anything decent that pays enough to smile while being shafted. Today will be first day working in a long time. Maybe I should be more serious about it and turn up after having slept first.

The good news to the many here who hate me is I'll spend less time upsetting you. Sorry!
Employers don't like me taking time off to follow Moz tours or to spend time travelling when my want desires. It becomes increasingly harder to find anything decent that pays enough to smile while being shafted. Today will be first day working in a long time. Maybe I should be more serious about it and turn up after having slept first.

The good news to the many here who hate me is I'll spend less time upsetting you. Sorry!

No one hates you, Hugh.
Good luck to your new job. :)
Well. I actually already have a job.
I just need this second job coz i need the extra cash.
So it isnt like I don't want to work, or enjoy working.
its just that first days at work are always tough, because I'm self conscious, all these new co-workers talking about me, behind my back. judging me. and I have to pretend to be "nice" LOL
and its not like I desperately need the money, but its nice to have .
anyway ill just think of getting out of there, and going out to drink after LOL that always makes the day go by so much faster.

hehe, oh, we think alike. :)
Anyway, I once worked at Starbucks and many times in the mornings when stuck-up elitest bitches would come in demanding immediate service on their f***ing lattes with like 300 different specifications....... I would constantly fantazise about burning their ugly saging faces with hot scalding coffee, or jumping over the counter and shoving a turkey sandwich down their throat....
I hated that job and the dumbass customers.......specially all the corporate bullshit we were given by our boss.

I didn't work for Starbucks but for a burger bar in the local railway station.... if some wench moaned about her tea being too hot/cold/weak/strong and you'd made it five times over for her, sometimes I did "salivate" in their tea. Whichis disgusting. But if you're earning £2.95 an hour and having to wear a stupid uniform with a red dickie bow you too may have felt the urge!!!
I didn't work for Starbucks but for a burger bar in the local railway station.... if some wench moaned about her tea being too hot/cold/weak/strong and you'd made it five times over for her, sometimes I did "salivate" in their tea. Whichis disgusting. But if you're earning £2.95 an hour and having to wear a stupid uniform with a red dickie bow you too may have felt the urge!!!

Oh my, I don't blame you. That's ridiculous low, I got €6.5 when I was 15 and worked during the vacations.
You're a naughty boy, arent' you?

Maybe you should try getting yourself an older man who's married and completely in the closet...... those type of guys would treat you like a prince because they're dying to be with you.

Yes. I'm young, and well, I crave affection.
Anyway, I don't do closeted dudes.

Last night I went to Long Beach pride, and i blasted Smiths all the way, LOL. How ironic. I'm going to a friggen drunken dance trip, and on the way I'm blasting my mozzer. well, it set the tone atleast.
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