New Stroszek web site


old man

Thought people might want to see this. Very basic info at the mo but looks cool. interestin artwork. says its Chomsky on the front. You can listen to them there through links also. Loads of dates to be confirmed soon.
I was wondering what we'd hear from them. The main page has an interesting picture which echoes (i daresay) Smiths-style iconography. Cool indeed.
> I was wondering what we'd hear from them. The main page has an interesting
> picture which echoes (i daresay) Smiths-style iconography. Cool indeed.

I think the band know the importance of iconic imagery (the smiths (or morrissey) obviously being most influential). I would expect a lot more like that- but with the band identity. Cool though. Quite gothic!
Gothic - exactly! - but in a very good sense - not the various clichéd ways 'goth' is presented nowadays.
It's going to be interesting to see in which direction the band will head next.
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