MOZ Should go Commercial


Jonny Rotten

Listen.....I think Moz should go totally commercial. He could go over on Dick Clark's weekly top 40 if he could just get his act together and do some music worth a darn, so maybe all the teenyboppers could dig him. the Smiths already have a song on the Wedding Singer soundtrack, so I think going commercial would be a good move. Moz has the looks of a pop star (i.e. Chris Isaak). Oh, by the way, lets have some more NWA posts. I really loved the old Four Horseman and the Road Warriors and Lex Luger.
> He could go¿ over on Dick Clark's weekly top 40 if he could just get his act¿ together...

What? He's still doing those? Has something happened to Casey Kasem?¿ Oh, by the way, lets have some more NWA posts. I really¿ loved the old Four Horseman and the Road Warriors and Lex Luger.

Mmmm, let's not, and say we did, shall we?
What an @#!!!!!!! Thanks for the correction...its is Kasem who still does the Top 40. And as far as the NWA goes, I will turn this into a wrestling message board if i wanted to. your just pissed because you were supposed to be a blowjob.

maybe for surge or a GAP ad or yeah a totally hip Mnt Dew add and he could work with the chemical brothers.. yeah that would be hip and cutting edge.

*this sarcastic remark has been brough to you by the letter F and U and the # -2

No....Moz should've been a special guest on the Muppets!
Or maybe he should be on a Chef Boyardee Commercial. That would work!
Hi my name In moz and I drink Bible beer.. I swear by it!!

> No....Moz should've been a special guest on the Muppets!¿ Or maybe he should be on a Chef Boyardee Commercial. That would¿ work!

NO he should be the Secret square in the new Hollywood sqaures!!!!!
> Listen.....I think Moz should go totally commercial. He could go¿ over on Dick Clark's weekly top 40 if he could just get his act¿ together and do some music worth a darn, so maybe all the¿ teenyboppers could dig him. the Smiths already have a song on¿ the Wedding Singer soundtrack, so I think going commercial would¿ be a good move. Moz has the looks of a pop star (i.e. Chris¿ Isaak).

i thought he had...?
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