Morrissey's finest ever solo album



I'm confident that in time "Quarry" will be seen as Morrissey's finest ever solo album. Just as "Vauxhall" received mixed reviews, so "Quarry" has, but the songwriting, the lyrics, the performance and the wit are back, and Morrissey is on fine form. The people who are whining today about how substandard it is will all jump into line when the music critics finally "get" Quarry and will start claiming it to be "possibly his finest moment" - because sadly many of the people who visit this site are merely fake poseurs keen to look cool on the internet! Sad, but true.

Anyone who claims "Vauxhall" is his finest album is clearly missing the point of Morrissey - that album has neither the wit, nor the variety to qualify as a truly great morrissey album. It's great, but it's not classic. Quarry is everything a great morrissey album should be: tender, romantic, cynical, aloof, odd in places, uplifting, occasionally heartbreakingly sad, and you just know Morrissey's laughing at everyone who thinks "America is not the world" is meant to be a protest song about eating hamburgers!

> I'm confident that in time "Quarry" will be seen as Morrissey's
> finest ever solo album. Just as "Vauxhall" received mixed
> reviews, so "Quarry" has, but the songwriting, the lyrics, the
> performance and the wit are back, and Morrissey is on fine form. The
> people who are whining today about how substandard it is will all jump
> into line when the music critics finally "get" Quarry and will
> start claiming it to be "possibly his finest moment" - because
> sadly many of the people who visit this site are merely fake poseurs keen
> to look cool on the internet! Sad, but true.

> Anyone who claims "Vauxhall" is his finest album is clearly
> missing the point of Morrissey - that album has neither the wit, nor the
> variety to qualify as a truly great morrissey album. It's great, but it's
> not classic. Quarry is everything a great morrissey album should be:
> tender, romantic, cynical, aloof, odd in places, uplifting, occasionally
> heartbreakingly sad, and you just know Morrissey's laughing at everyone
> who thinks "America is not the world" is meant to be a protest
> song about eating hamburgers!

> Genius

Well I love it:)
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