Is this not HELL?



live in a world where WAR is commonplace and is accepted as a "vehicle for change".

killing people is ok (as long as it has nothing to do with us and you're properly punished by an institution).

live in a world where killing animals is not wrong, but disputed.

where the level of education is dependent on where you live and who is in control.

where one is made to feel ashamed of having or sharing an orgasm.

where any kind of vision or deep spirituality is classified as "fanatical" and "religious" or "crazy".

where there is always someone who is higher than you and can tell you what to do.

where, no matter how you delude yourself, you are completely alone, and there are even consequences for that.
But answer me this...

> where one is made to feel ashamed of having or sharing an
> orgasm.

How do you go about sharing one? Could I have a slice please?

You'll feel better once your A Levels are out of the way, believe me.
> where there is always someone who is higher than you and can
> tell you what to do.

> live in a world where WAR is commonplace and is accepted as a
> "vehicle for change".

> killing people is ok (as long as it has nothing to do with us
> and you're properly punished by an institution).

> live in a world where killing animals is not wrong, but
> disputed.

> where the level of education is dependent on where you live and
> who is in control.

> where one is made to feel ashamed of having or sharing an
> orgasm.

> where any kind of vision or deep spirituality is classified as
> "fanatical" and "religious" or
> "crazy".

> where there is always someone who is higher than you and can
> tell you what to do.

> where, no matter how you delude yourself, you are completely
> alone, and there are even consequences for that.

I see someone hit their teen angst stage. It'll be over in a few years, I promise.

-Andrew S.
actually, i'm in my twenties now, and it never was "over in a few years". does that mean you broke your promise?
There are many religious sects that believe that the world was indeed created by the devil.

For those who believe in such concepts, they will find out the truth one day.

Just do your best and don't worry.

no, but you broke your pact. remember, you sold your soul to me when you were 6? I gave you that ice cream cone from baskin stop your whining because this is as good as it gets.

I can't tell you the meaning of life, 'yes', or even offer you a direction. but remember that you can't be responsible for the entire world's actions. worrying about everything will only get you down.

-Andrew S.
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