Is Brid sold out or what?



In today's NME the ad for the new dates mentions the Paisley, Perth, Blackpool and Bridlington gigs, with that "Sold Out" mini-banner across them. And yet when you go to, you can still buy tickets for Bridlington - so what's going on?

I am guessing a case of premature especulation
Well I bought one for a friend two days ago from gigs&, I was confused too, as I was under the impression it had sold out!

/me dons a kiss me quick hat and waves a stick of Blackpool (or Bridlington) Rock at the lazy sunbathers!


> In today's NME the ad for the new dates mentions the Paisley, Perth,
> Blackpool and Bridlington gigs, with that "Sold Out" mini-banner
> across them. And yet when you go to , you can still
> buy tickets for Bridlington - so what's going on?

> Sk.

The George Formby Appreciation Society
You can still get tickets for all of the gigs except Blackpool on the ticket agency (which I do believe is run by gigsandtours) on my digital TV service.
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