I like Christmas

  • Thread starter a very special nobody
  • Start date

a very special nobody

because of
1. fruitcake
2. pudding
3. Nana Mouskouri
4. John Denver
5. A Very Special Christmas

do your ears hang low? Do they waggle to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em over your shoulder like a continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low? do they waggle to and fro?

As you see, I have lots on my mind as I celebrate the first official "snow day" of the year. In Austin, that means freezing rain will shut down the city until noon. For the past couple of days, as I huddled in my apartment against the onslaught (as 140 car wrecks happen around the city in one evening), i played lots of christmas music and plugged in my little tree to provide flashing lights. Still, I do not really feel in the holiday spirit. Must be the crud I found as I really cleaned my apartment for the first time in a good long while.

I want a holiday snow. A real one. I also want Santa Claus to be real. I have a fireplace with chimney. Something should come down it and have some of the beer and Little Debbie snack cakes I'm leaving near the tree. I want lots of toys and candy. I specifically want hershey kisses in red and green foil wrappers more out of tradition than taste. I don't want candy canes because I never eat them. They don't have enough chocolate. I want classes to be out for 2 weeks and have today be the friday that it starts and realizing that I have 2 weeks ahead of me to do nothing but open presents and watch cartoons. I want to go to grandma's house and have her yelling that all the kids playing on the big poster bed is making her nervous.
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