Eminem - wittier lyricist than Moz



Who else thinks that Eminem is the wittiest lyricist since Morrissey? I think his words and lyrics are completely superior to Morrissey. While Morrissey can only sing about his feelings, Eminem seems to encompass the emotional spectrum of an entire generation. Eminem is Morrissey 2000, yet 2000 times better. Who else agrees?
'Different fruits' old boy, to partially quote Mr Rossiter. Like comparing Mao Tse Tung with Sid James.

Personally I'd like to see Morrissey tackling the Public Enemy back catalogue, a collaboration even better.

No wait... Morrissey sings the songs of...The Bloodhound Gang. I'd pay good money for that.
Yeah I find if you strain them before you serve them they are much better. On the whole though I prefer strawberries. About plays though, who's afraid of virginia woolfe by edward albee is pretty good. Hope this helps Marc.

> Who else thinks that Eminem is the wittiest lyricist since
> Morrissey? I think his words and lyrics are completely superior
> to Morrissey.

Yes, sadly, the "youth of today" requires nothing more than a bunch of filthy curse words set to rhyme.

> While Morrissey can only sing about his feelings,
> Eminem seems to encompass the emotional spectrum of an entire
> generation.

If THAT is the emotional spectrum of this generation, then I humbly suggest mass murder - and quick!

> Eminem is Morrissey 2000, yet 2000 times better. Who
> else agrees?

I hope I'm just veeeeery naive and don't get that this is a joke! I HAVE been almost convinced that "gullible" is not in the dictionary, you know.
Re:Do you smoke crack peasant?

> Who else thinks that Eminem is the wittiest lyricist since
> Morrissey? I think his words and lyrics are completely superior
> to Morrissey. While Morrissey can only sing about his feelings,
> Eminem seems to encompass the emotional spectrum of an entire
> generation. Eminem is Morrissey 2000, yet 2000 times better. Who
> else agrees?

Give me a break. You must be a joke right? Eminem is nothing of a biggot whom knows nothing about real hip-hop, and it's unfortunate that so many young people are buying into his image of s hit. I wonder what real acts like De La, Digable Planets, Roots, Jeru, etc. think about Eminem. They are proabably laughing at his pathetic ass. If you wanna listen to some white boys with real wit and talent, try picking up the "Pauls Boutique" album instead.
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