Demi Lovoto wears The Smiths

Josh sends the image of Demi Lovato at the X-Factor finalist party on Nov. 4, 2013 in Los Angeles:

hillary duff used to wear a Smiths tee all the time and she is pop.

this doesn't shock me, as much as, seeing a latino wearing a Smiths shirt.I live in jersey and would stop dead in my tracks if I saw a person of Mexican descent wearing a Smiths tee. the whole west coast Latino fanbase still baffles me.

People of many races relate to his music. Your statement is ignorant.
well she does have a history of psychological issues, so maybe she is down with the smiths. however, if morrissey saw this, i think it would give him a hearrrrrrrrttttt attttttttttttttttack

i once saw an urban outfitters smith shirt, with craig gannon and no marr. it was a pic from moz early solo. don't know why it said 'smiths'

Because "Smiths" is "better" than "Morrissey" and if Morrissey is on it it can be a "Smiths" shirt. Craig Gannon was in the Smiths, and who needs Johnny Marr, I would buy a Smiths shirt with Boz on it.

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