Anyone else suffering withdrawal?



Is anyone else suffering from Morrissey withdrawal? I was so worked up in the weeks before the gig, wondering if I could get close enough to touch him, wondering what songs he play, all those things. Then the 22nd finally arrived, and it was probably the most memorable night of my life. I still can't really believe I was there, watching Morrissey strut his stuff only a few feet from me, in front of a giant MORRISSEY sign, no less! It's too surreal, it seems like a dream.

But now it's over, and I'm feeling a bit sad. Sure, I took solace in New Order last night (sorry, need to mention that again!), but I want Moz to come back and do it again!
me to oSusan cant believe its over - feel quite sad today after 3 wicked days in manchester aswell the people were great the gig was amazing but the memories will live on 4 ever - please come back Moz!! do another!! Mikey
> Is anyone else suffering from Morrissey withdrawal? I was so worked up in
> the weeks before the gig, wondering if I could get close enough to touch
> him, wondering what songs he play, all those things. Then the 22nd finally
> arrived, and it was probably the most memorable night of my life. I still
> can't really believe I was there, watching Morrissey strut his stuff only
> a few feet from me, in front of a giant MORRISSEY sign, no less! It's too
> surreal, it seems like a dream.

> But now it's over, and I'm feeling a bit sad. Sure, I took solace in New
> Order last night (sorry, need to mention that again!), but I want Moz to
> come back and do it again!

Jesus Christ. Get a grip woman. Better still get a life. There's a great big world out there that believe it or not, does not revolve around Morrissey.
Don't get me wrong, Moz is fantastic, but then again so is morphine, which also causes withdrawls.
Heaven knows i'm miserable now!!! I am sufferring withdrawal so badly, i think i must take to my room for a few weeks and reflect on the best day of my life. So sad that it all over.
'I know it's over but i still cling, i don't know wherelse i can go'...... MELTDOWN.
I have to get tickets!!!!
There's a great big world out there that believe it or not, does not revolve around Morrissey.

That's just an urban myth!

What's this "Morphine" stuff? Do they sell that at Boots?
All seats though! It would be a let down, I reckon. Mind you, I'm still going to Move
Re: All seats though! It would be a let down, I reckon. Mind you, I'm still going to Move

Yeh but when your playing to only 2,200 it gonna be awsome compared to the huge scale of M.E.N, imagine an 8th of that!!! Very close
Yeah, sounds great. Jus' hoping he's gonna do a *proper* UK tour..with proper venues
There's only one cure

There's only one cure for Moz withdrawal: Going to see him again. And again. And again. And again... until you turn into Julia Riley.
> There's a great big world out there that believe it or not, does not
> revolve around Morrissey.

> That's just an urban myth!

> What's this "Morphine" stuff? Do they sell that at Boots?

Ha-ha. No not at Boots my love, but perhaps in the ally behind. It's rather nasty stuff.
i was soooo depressed sunday!
cant believe i was in the same building as him, even if i was in the nose bleeds, very memorable night!
going to see him on the 11th of july for move 2004. hope he doest just sing 2 songs

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