It is soo sad young boys can't be telegrame boys anymore on bikes!!!

Re: Telegrames used to be very common but now there barly used!!
Re: Tele-printers?? the first fax? bring back the messenger boys!!!

ANDY!!! I never reply to your posts but I cannot let this one lie! That is the most legend post I have ever seen!!!
Im not being sarky...people are postin and arguin with each other over the size/shape of moz's left shoe, talking about feckin president bazil bush and future president Kerry(-maid)!
Thank you for putting everything in perspective....
Its people like yourself that really make this boring planet a lil more interesting, dont mind those fools that post bad things about you..they would never be happy enough to think about the telegram boys, they are too busy thinking of something clever or abusive to say.
God bless ye Andy.
And how true..."It IS so sad young boys cant be telegramme boys on bikes anymore"...again, too true.

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