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  1. paintavulgarpicture

    Happy 18th Birthday PT!

    happy birthday! Maybe I may bump into you out drinking in Leeds! x
  2. paintavulgarpicture

    In Need Of New Reading Material

    Title says it all. I need new books to get completely engrossed in. My favourite book is probably "The Catcher in the Rye" and i also like Brett Easton Ellis, Irvine Welsh and Alan Sillitoe. Anyone have any suggestions??
  3. paintavulgarpicture

    Tricky situation

    Yeah I agree with vicarinatutugal with encouragng to come over so he gets a break. Obviously considering your circumstances having him come live with you full time is going to be difficult, plus like you said, your mum would have to give up her parenting duties, and that may cause her some...
  4. paintavulgarpicture

    Tricky situation

    It's funny because you always expect adults like your parents to always know the right thing to do or the right decision to make. However, as you get older and older you realise that even your parents make mistakes or bad decisions. All I can say that from my point of view it always seems to be...
  5. paintavulgarpicture

    Fancy Dress

    I had the pleasure of going to someone's 18th birthday party last night and am hideously hungover today after playing drinking games with rugby players. ( :) ) It was fancy dress, I was Snow White and my friend was Batwoman. Who's done fancy dress recently, and what have you gone as?
  6. paintavulgarpicture

    what's on tv?

    I think the only redeeming quality about Merlin is Will Mellor..mmm.;) I'm a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. Also, Peep Show. Oh and I am totally addicted to Eastenders sadly enough.
  7. paintavulgarpicture

    Friday Night

    In on a friday night! Not preferable, but being appallingly skint doesn't help. So instead it is wine and Jonathan Ross. What is everybody else up to this evening?
  8. paintavulgarpicture

    What's your problem?

    Definitely laziness and procrastination. But staying in bed all day is just too easy.
  9. paintavulgarpicture

    I'm back (again)

    wow...haven't been on here for quite some time, but I am back anyways. Just found an interesting rarities collection entitled 'so much for london'... looking forward to hearing the early version of at amber, "the bed took fire." Yes, so I'm back, hello again :)
  10. paintavulgarpicture

    What music player software do you use?

    I normally use Itunes but I would ideally like a better software that looks slicker, you are still able to see all your music, and you have greater control over stuff like bass, treble, EQ etc... anyone have any ideas?
  11. paintavulgarpicture

    The Missing Girl In Dewsbury Found Alive!

    That's so awful. I really can't understand why people have children at all, if they have no care or time for them, or can't be bothered. The little girl probably only stole to get some sort of attention anyways...what will happen to her?
  12. paintavulgarpicture

    Friday night! What are your plans?

    Re: What's everyone up to tonight? Aye, I nearly went to Manchester but decided on Leeds, its just far enough from home to be away without being too far to go back for the odd weekend. I took my car to uni so I go through to Manchester quite a bit..I'm thinking of doing a Masters at...
  13. paintavulgarpicture

    Friday night! What are your plans?

    Re: What's everyone up to tonight? Coursework :( Ah the days, I hated coursework. What a-levels are you doing? Thinking of applying to Leeds uni, or wanting to get away?
  14. paintavulgarpicture

    Friday night! What are your plans?

    Re: What's everyone up to tonight? Awww Alma, your cherubs are adorable, and so alike-looking it hurts! Aye, the flu's going round I mother is banged up with it and all! I hope I don't catch it...
  15. paintavulgarpicture

    Friday night! What are your plans?

    What's everyone up to tonight?'s Friday night, anyone up to anything interesting? I've just driven home back to the cold Northeast as it was the end of term today. Now I have four weeks off :) So..possibly out and about tonight catching up with my friends from home.
  16. paintavulgarpicture

    The Missing Girl In Dewsbury Found Alive!

    I think its a fair point, had Kate McCann been a working class single parent she would have been crucified in the media. I'm not meaning to be controversial, but from the very beginning I always thought she's had more to do with the case than meets the eye. Mind you, I suppose it'll all come...
  17. paintavulgarpicture


    Hi mozzette, I'm exactly the same. I've been properly single for a while now and I also associate my 'singleness' with unhappiness just because I'd much prefer to be in a relationship. I've been seeing a few people throughout this time, but it has never worked out, and it has left me feeling...
  18. paintavulgarpicture

    Favourite Board Game

    I'm not a fan of Scrabble for some reason..although I have never actually played it properly..
  19. paintavulgarpicture

    Favourite Board Game

    Ah no, someone please move this. I meant to post it in off-topic...apologies! It is however, quarter to 2 here in the morning, and I have been up since 7am. So forgive me for my slowness!
  20. paintavulgarpicture

    What kind of day have you had?

    I've had a rather non-eventful day. I managed to drag my arse out of bed early, then decided just to not bother going into Uni. So instead, I have sat in my room, played guitar, went into town (well, only the Merrion centre) to buy a capo, and then played guitar again. Then I watched Skins with...
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