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  1. Chip

    Arcade Fire

    I never pay attention to the Grammy's. At all. I can't tell you who won or was nominated for anything other than that Vauxhall and I was nominated for best Alternative album (and for awhile I thought had won), that Jethro Tull beat out Metallica for best hard rock album some random year (and we...
  2. Chip

    The Cure thread

    That is funny. I did not realize that--I never really thought of them as contemporaneous albums though I guess I did realize it on some level. I remember listening to that one again and again when it came out and I still to it from time to time (I have it in the car I think). Maybe it's not...
  3. Chip

    Arcade Fire

    I was listening to Waiting Room earlier today on Spotify...
  4. Chip

    Arcade Fire

    Really? That's awesome! I have to confess I know who they are, but I am not that familiar with their music.
  5. Chip

    The Cure thread

    Am I the only one who really liked that one? :(
  6. Chip

    Arcade Fire

    Barack Obama really loved the Fugazi cover.
  7. Chip

    The Cure thread

    I am glad to see someone else really likes Bloodflowers--I thought I was the only one. In terms of my favorite Cure album I am going to have to say Pornography, but Boys Don't Cry (not a proper studio album I know) gets a lot of plays from me.
  8. Chip

    Arcade Fire

    Agreed. I will confess to not being cool enough to have been into Arcade Fire before they were popular. The first Arcade Fire album I heard was "The Suburbs" and it just blew me away on the first listen in a way that few albums do (some of the Smiths albums being that way). I am aware of the...
  9. Chip

    Arcade Fire

    So I just got back from seeing Arcade Fire in concert (it was incredible) and I was curious what my fellow Moz-soloers thought about them. Anyone else besides me here like them? Anyone seen them on the current tour? Anyone actively despise them and want to post something banal and juvenile...
  10. Chip

    What concert/show are you going to go to next?

    This isn't next, but I just got back from Arcade Fire. And it was amazing.
  11. Chip

    Does it matter that Kristeen Young has lied about her age?

    This is really only the tip of the iceberg. I have information that Kristeen Young was involved with the cover-up of alien activity in Roswell, New Mexico. I cannot provide verification for this claim, but it is from a reliable source--a source so reliable that I am not at liberty to disclose...
  12. Chip

    What concert/show are you going to go to next?

    Well I know this isn't the next show I am going to see, but I somewhat unexpectedly went to see Blitzen Trapper last night. I am only a little bit familiar with their music, but they are a really amazing live band. I talked to a couple of the band members afterwards and they are all super cool...
  13. Chip

    New Arcade Fire Single

    I do not if anyone here has heard the new Arcade Fire single (which features a rather random appearance of David Bowie on backing vocals). If you have not heard it yet here is one of two videos for the song-- I rather like the video, as well as the new song. I was a big fan of "The...
  14. Chip

    What concert/show are you going to go to next?

    Unless something else comes up in the meantime Neutral Milk Hotel in...January. I've been listening to On the Avery Island almost on loop for the last few days in anticipation.
  15. Chip

    Siouxsie and The Banshees

    Thanks! Is is the same version as the B-Side to Israel?
  16. Chip

    Joy Division, or New Order?

    It's the cute ones who always get abuse.
  17. Chip

    Heavy Metal

    Pfffttt....New Wave of British Heavy Metal was by far the high water mark for heavy metal.
  18. Chip

    Joy Division, or New Order?

    I feel like I may be opening myself up for heaps of personal abuse later on (civility sometimes gets lost here), but here it goes--just promise you won't make too much fun of me--
  19. Chip

    Joy Division, or New Order?

    Thanks! Here are the rest of the New Order ones-- And then I cannot help but share this-- I have more photos--some shots of the opening band, plus one of myself at the concert, but I will spare everyone those since I don't think anyone here is interested in Holy Ghost!
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