Recent content by CaptainMalfisk

  1. CaptainMalfisk


    It's better with Blondie. Everything's better with Blondie. Except Morrissey and the Smiths.
  2. CaptainMalfisk

    All New Misheard Lyrics

    About how soon is now, I thought he sang "of a chinese that is criminally vulgar". This one is probably pretty common.
  3. CaptainMalfisk

    All New Misheard Lyrics

    "And now I know how Joan of Arc felt" was heard as "And now I know hos Jonah Rock felt" by both me and my ex. I'm happy as long as he didn't feel like Jonah Falcon.
  4. CaptainMalfisk

    All New Misheard Lyrics

    So did I! Didn't make any sense at all.
  5. CaptainMalfisk

    Moz tattoo

    Re: Moz tatoo Oh! Fancy!
  6. CaptainMalfisk

    Morrissey Friends

    I don't think so. I want to be the biggest Morrissey-fan in my circle of friends. Of course, is always nice if they enjoy his music, but still, not as much as I do.
  7. CaptainMalfisk

    Moz lookalikes

    Oh, I actually thought that WAS Morrissey at first.. :/
  8. CaptainMalfisk

    What is your favorite Morrissey photograph?

    "Moz does look like he has slight Spock-ears in the first one." Oh my, it actually does. Very weird.
  9. CaptainMalfisk

    How to make a..

    .. QUIFF?! For the moment I'm bald, but I would really like to try having a quiff. So, how do I do it? I've been watching some YouTube-videos, but I can't really say that they made any difference. Please help a fan in need!
  10. CaptainMalfisk

    morrissey frink thread!

    Oh my, those feets.. I do actually hate feet, but those feet make me drool...
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