almareallymatters (15430)

(email not shown publicly)

Pretty Girls Make Gravy
Wednesday April 16, 08

The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores

06:57 AM

"I am hated for loving
  I am hated for loving
  Anonymous call, a poison pen
  A brick in the small of the back again
  I still don't belong
  To anyone - I am mine"

I'm sorry to say that I have decided to stop posting my journal here...or anywhere else probably!

Having been victim of some rather nasty posts on the forum I am afraid I have decided that my work here is done! I wish I had a thicker skin....but I don't....

I made a promise to myself at the very beginning of my Solo journey that if I was ever upset personally by anything or anyone here I would pack up my old kit bag and go...I I will.

Sorry to leave "under a cloud" so to speak...I hope you will understand and forgive me for my over sensitive nature and rather spineless attitude to life! But as the saying goes "if you can't stand the heat...get out of the kitchen!"

It's been a blast however...and I have enjoyed my time here very much indeed. I have made some amazing friends here in the journal section (you know who you are surely?) and I will continue to read and enjoy your journals and post comments too. I just don't feel like I want to share my life and my kitchen sink drama's anymore. I must sound like a terrible old drama queen!...I hope that isn't how I shall be remembered?!

Anyway...I didn't want to just vanish without saying goodbye...and THANK all of you!

Viva Morrissey!

Love Alma xxx

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  • and so this is the last of your journal entries I will read I thought I should say I do enjoy them. I read very few internet journals and yours is very entertaining and well written. I hope everything goes well with life.


    p.s. I say very few.. probably one would be a more accurate number.
    EEP -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @07:16AM (#300664)
    (User #14254 Info)
    For god's sake, please stay till I am sleeping
  • Alma I was so sorry to read that you will no longer be posting your journal here.I have always enjoyed reading your journal.Please don`t be a stranger.

    tibby -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @08:30AM (#300674)
    (User #2713 Info)
    ~I am a poor freezingly cold soul so far from where I intended to go ~I love Morrissey
    • Re:So Sorry by almareallymatters (Score:1) Wednesday April 16 2008, @08:35AM
  • "I must sound like a terrible old drama queen...I hope that isn't how I shall be remembered?!"

    Oh My Dear Dear Alma.. I am going to miss you so much!.
    I have been reading your journal forever! and I am always looking forward to reading you.

    You are by far one of the wittiest persons I have had the pleasure of reading here...
    So never be little yourself.. You are a lovely kind soul.

    You bring back so many nice memories. And Have given me hope. In my darkest of times.....

    You take good care and do not hesitate to keep on writing..
    For having a journal is a wonderful thing.. and Obviously,have inspiring and hopeful stories to tell..
    I have a sort of bond with you as a mommie.. and have learned and have been a little ahead in it then you:)
    So I see what you are facing and I see how you manage to take care of business. You come out with bright shiny colors!:)
    I will always have you in my mind of people that have been an excellent human being..
    Thank you for the good times...
    Hugs and Love to you


    Oh wow now I am really late! I hope to talk again sooner then later..
    Marisela -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @10:54AM (#300684)
    (User #1865 Info)
  • Dear Alma,

    I am so sad to hear this news. Please email me to let me know how to stay in touch. If I make it over the pond anytime soon, I would really love for our families to meet. My email address is written backwards at the bottom of this message.

    I hope you will reconsider your decision not to keep blogging here. I enjoy hearing about your life so much. There have been many times you have cheered me up, and I didn't take the time to write a comment. But your wit and humour have helped me through many days. Its dreadful that someone could hurt you with words so much, that he has silenced your voice here. I have had my own run-ins with trolls and treacherous people here on moz-so-low. I got a nasty note in response to my outspoken support for Morrissey's plans to perform in the Middle East. It said "you don't deserve the right to live in America. You don't deserve the right to live at all." Can you believe it?
    anyway, I am not logged into my account right now, but this is Dodgey, your fellow Mozzie-mum. I want to keep in touch. love, Artful Dodger: reverse this: ten.ygidorp@walnosam

    mozzers unite!

    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @11:19AM (#300692)
  • Why don't you carry on with your journal but stop going to the forum? all the problems on here always seem to be in that place, it's not right.

    I'm glad to hear you'll still be hanging around though, don't dissapear completely k?
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    angelunimportant -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @01:44PM (#300743)
    (User #14060 Info)
  • I've always thought you were a bit too nice and sensitive for this site, Almette. I wanted to tell you that to me you're the ideal Morrissey fan, to the point that you could almost convince me he can't be all bad, since you like him. :-)(unfortunately, I know better)

    Myself I've threatened to leave for good a thousand times. But it's like Hollywood to some people here, "I tried to leave it but I never could". Almost all my friends have gone but I still hang around like a zombie...
    But I'm warning you all, the day there aren't any interesting journals like this one left to read, I am packing my bags!
    ("yeh yeh yeh yeh")
    No, this time, I mean it!

    Without people of quality this place is a cemetery, Alma...And think of your idol...What will he read if you leave? If I were a "British singer" in flaky fake L.A. I'd be addicted to journals that remind me of home, in all senses of the word. Like yours.
    Now, we know that Morrissey is a happy shallow Californian, but please, at least remember the British in me will be suffering...

    favour -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @02:01PM (#300748)
    (User #20114 Info)
  • I've been thinking about you...& wondering if this was coming. I think the journal & forums are 2 very seperate worlds & I hope you can continue 'here' in some form or other?
    Your journal has been the BEST thing, giving me so many new persectives on life/love & being a fantastic Moz-mummy!

    Love xx
    M-in-Oz -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @06:41PM (#300795)
    (User #13934 Info)
    • Re:I am mine! by almareallymatters (Score:1) Thursday April 17 2008, @12:18AM
  • Solo's loss is all my gain, just means i get to see more of my beautiful wife..........This is The Sarge signing out.
    The Sarge -- Thursday April 17 2008, @06:12AM (#300847)
    (User #20717 Info)
    Aka Mr Reallymatters
    • Re:Leaving!! by almareallymatters (Score:1) Thursday April 17 2008, @07:54AM
  • shit, shit, shit!

    I've seen this happen, in other people's lives..... that's the world of the internets though I suppose.
    I think it happens to those kind enough to really open up - and I'm sorry it happened to you. But from one thin skinned person to another - I can see what you mean.
    You've really stirred up these journals here alma and I've said it before, but - you're my model-mum! it's strange that of all the "real" people I know in my life, you're one of the very few that have made parenting sound like an exciting journey that enriches one's life and not a fucking drag that eats your soul. and it's not like you've only written about the great and wonderful things - you've written about the tough times as well.......
    and also, you're my first internet friend that I've ever had any contact with in real life! (what a sheltered life I lead)
    so in summary, while I'm disappointed (extremely devastated) that you're no longer going to post a journal, I'm glad you'll still be around.
    you'll just have to go and write a book now or something..... you know we'll all buy 10 copies each :)
    everybody's lost -- Thursday April 17 2008, @07:33AM (#300851)
    (User #12791 Info)
    ...a chat with you and somehow, death loses its sting.
    • Re:shit! by almareallymatters (Score:1) Thursday April 17 2008, @08:00AM
  • I did make a post once, saying I had to do my chores before I'd be allowed to post anymore, but I hardly did any chore before I was posting again. You probably have more self-discipline than I. Time will tell:}
    redpathetic -- Thursday April 17 2008, @04:28PM (#300914)
    (User #6184 Info)
    Happy in this final acceptance of his own absurdity...Albert Camus
  • Well mate, its sad you are leaving this place under these circumstances; just because of some wankers over on the discussion boards. But c'est la vie. C'est So-low!

    But we met on here darling, in this very spot, and now you are one of my most treasured and best friends. So, something good came out of it all, and I know you have made some other good friends here.

    So yes, Viva Moz ,of course. But Viva Alma too!! xxx
    Anais Nin -- Friday April 18 2008, @10:43AM (#300963)
    (User #15329 Info)
    Wardrobe Mistress
  • Like many others, we first 'met' here in the journal section. I have always been delighted by your lively blogs, and the real emotion you show to us through them.

    It has been an honour and privilege to read about your life and I am just very glad that I now know you outside of the forums as I'd hate to miss out of any Chez Alma updates.

    On the plus side, if you're no longer on here, maybe I will get some friends from people reading my journal instead?!

    Love to you and The Sarge and your offspring.

    And hopefully I will see you soon...

    Shouldn't we have had some dates by now?

    Kitty3780 -- Monday April 21 2008, @11:48AM (#301157)
    (User #17786 Info |!/Kitty3780)
    "There is something I wanted to tell you..."
    • Re:Balls! by almareallymatters (Score:1) Tuesday April 22 2008, @12:25AM
  • Whaaaaaaaaaat?!

    I will miss reading about all your dramas Alma! Was going to beg you not to stop but you make a fair point when you say you won't take any shit (a little more eloquently though).

    All I will ask is that if I ever manage to get my journal a bit more organised and, ahem, regular- that you do pop round and visit!

    Whenever I come on solo your journal has been one of my first stops pretty much since you started on here. Although it doesn't seem that I visit very regularly I am often skulking about reading but not commenting! So I really will miss it. (I might even pine.)

    Much love
    Wildey X
    Wilde is on my side -- Tuesday April 22 2008, @12:19PM (#301210)
    (User #13955 Info)
    I am the meek, I am the righteous, I am the Morrissey fan.
  • Oh, i just saw today. :(
    So sorry you are going, I loved reading your posts. Sorry now that I didn't make the effort to chat more, but I tend to browse rather than make friends. I guess because I am thin-skinned too.

    I don't do Facebook type things.
    If you want to get in touch you could PM "Dunya" on forums with e-mail.

    If not ALL THE BEST. You are a great writer and an inspiring person.

    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 23 2008, @12:31PM (#301301)
    • Re:going? by almareallymatters (Score:1) Thursday April 24 2008, @01:09AM
  • Hi Alma,

    I'm really sorry that some scum have hurt you on here. I know I'm not the most regular of posters but I always read your journals and they always made me smile! Hope you'll stick around so you can keep us all smiling :)

    Hope you and all your family stay well and happy,

    Sarah x
    SarahG -- Thursday April 24 2008, @07:34AM (#301333)
    (User #15576 Info)
    Hear my voice in your head and think of me kindly...
  • I know I haven't commented for 9million years, and I am sorry for this. I just don't log in anymore. I'm waiting for the new album to prove me wrong... I know it won't but we all need closure, right?

    Sorry to hear you got bitten on the bum by Mozsolo like myself two years ago- something is badly mentally wrong with people around here. I know the whole thing was my fault ultimately (unlikely that someone anonymously shopped me as they claimed) and of course it's led to better things, but the fact remains the quality of person on here is a reflection of the quality of Morrissey these days, imho.

    I've no idea what actually happened but I can only imagine it was bad to make you pack it in after all this time.

    Not about to pull the "toldyaso" manoeuvre but I have to say I did see the writing on the wall a this place 18 months ago, and that's why I jumped ship.

    Plus the whole $10000000000000 to see Him in concert thing.

    It was great knowing you. You know where my blog is if you want to say hi.

    Love to you and yours,
    bobmozza -- Sunday May 04 2008, @06:47AM (#302149)
    (User #6533 Info)
  • sorry i havent been commenting for months......

    im still alive, this is just to say, dont give up, there are loads of weirdo's out there, but to hell with them, keep writing..........

    the forum sucks anyway, always has done, i dont get the attraction with it.

    come back a.s.a.p.


    p.s. in other news......... im expecting (well my partner is ;-).........)
    inlovewiththepast -- Wednesday May 07 2008, @04:35AM (#302274)
    (User #1028 Info)
    truth rest your head there is more than a life at stake here..she may well sell sanctuary but she'll also sell your soul

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