Mrs. Woolf (14157)

Mrs. Woolf
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Journal of Mrs. Woolf (14157)

Friday August 22, 08

American Media's Obsession With Dull Women

02:53 PM

OK, I'm really in the mood now - I'm finding truly precious pieces, like this one.

You know, sometimes his gossip is a breath of fresh air to me. English Aunties have a useful side after all :)

Just relax and laugh

12:55 PM

This is another, much less virulent and much more funny one. I just thought their intention of homophobic cruelty just made them into two anti-gay clowns. I am bored and recovering from a small surgery so I have nothing better to do but do this and wait for a job training program coming up to get me busy in the Fall...

Oh, my... Morrissey Rides A C* Horse

05:54 AM

If you are a Morrissey fan and you want to get disgusted this morning, do not miss this video:

That will do it.

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