M-in-Oz (13934)

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Journal of M-in-Oz (13934)

Monday September 18, 06

RE:We are the cool squad and we're coming to town

04:12 AM

I was reading a copy of Bazaar yesterday when I came across an article that perfectly summed up something I have been feeling of late. It was about being too old for certain fashion trends and how the current fashion 'idols' are 20 year olds.

When I think back to when I was young, I didn't care what others wore, I was into op-shopping, indie-vibe thing. But suddenly I have found that I am coveting items that people like Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan are wearing. How did this happen! I wouldn't watch a film they were in or read a book they wrote, so why do I care what they were.

Somehow I have become hooked on images of tight jeans, ballet shoes, big handbags and oversized sunnies. However, I'm at the tail-end of my twenties so I shouldn't be looking towards these young 'uns, should I??

Now, my appreciation of their style is not something I would openly admit to in any other situation. I am normally against brand labels for brand labels sake. Girls who look like clones and an obsession with appearance....but....I have to admit I do sometimes want what they've got.

Or maybe I just don't have the time to drive around op shops looking for special pieces. These things do take time. Its kinda easier to just go to the chain store and buy knock offs of the latest IT Girl trend. Skinny jeans, I;m tool old for, but ballet shoes, yes. Handbags, too expensive for me, however I did buy a pair of oversized sunglassses for $6 and my partner calls me 'Maude' when I wear them...(sympathy with Anais Nin's latest entry).

Maybe I should just lay of the magazines for a while.

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