Lucretia (7336)

{Lucretia2000} {at} {}

Likes puddy tats, the smell of fresh rain showers and reading true crime. Hates liars and phoney people who put on airs! Character most like-Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. Collects small ornate boxes and puddy tats made from a variety of materials.

Journal of Lucretia (7336)

Tuesday July 13, 10

Trouble loves me

07:21 PM

still running round the flesh rampage

at your age

whatever happens it's you I love YES YES YES

late night


tonight you consumed too much too much

crash into my arms

Jesus hurted, when he deserted me but I have forgiven Jesus

Saturday July 10, 10

Something that I won't forget too soon

09:47 PM

Well Bo and I participated in a drag show playing Stink Mitt's "Ride dat Train" about girls picking up a boy and riding him with dildos! Hilarious!!

Keep the ball in his mouth he ain't got shit to say
Jenny Craig's deep thirst ain't the average lay
A freak with six kids and no place to stay
So I'm a run that train from night to day

I can hardly wait to do it again.

Then we were in the Pride parade, crazy ass shit that was! Seen so many peeps I haven't seen in years nothing like a street party to get everyone out.

Monday May 10, 10

if the people stare let the people stare as it's NOT like

09:07 PM

any other love
this one is different
because it's US!

Getting reaquainted and accustoming to my second round of being a Bar Star. My light dimmed in the 90's but since opening back up to opportunities my star is reborn.

Went out on a Sunday to be entertained by drag queens and for some reason I'm liking them now whereas in the past they were an annoying intermission from the dance floor. Perhaps it's because I know a couple of them or perhaps their retro drag songs are from my youth and not my mother's!
Anyways Cherry Bon bon from the Burlesque show shows up with a young twinkie who was all over me commenting on my jewelery and saying he knows me from somewhere. Turns out he's Eric (Apollo) from the Burlesque night. Hilarious!!!
One of the DQ brought Bo and I back to his house for tag team wrestling but he drank too much so we left.

Checked out the newest Gay Club in town this weekend. Really weird as just 2 weeks ago it was an after hours club where in the last few months there had been a stabbing and a shooting. The crowd was older straight women. There were a smattering of the older gay scene but it looked more service oriented to me. As if the owners went to high end restaurants. hair salons, retail to get new peeps in the club.

Bored so we went to our ol standby club where we are known. My Bo and I are quite the couple when we go out and laugh and touch each other all night. This does attract attention and some of the braver will try to convo with us. Peeps always want to label us or get the lowdown of who we are and why were together. Some people get it and some don't. Even Bo's friend the Gangster of Enoch didn't know we were "together". Too funny.

Anyway the bar attention certainly boosts our egos and attraction for each other.
I love my special bo and wouldn't trade him for any straight guy.

Monday March 08, 10

There's a club if you'd like to go....

04:56 PM

My new "boyfriend, who's more like a girlfriend", and I went out Sat. to a members only club downtown. We went to support our friend Morrah VaMan do his first burlesque show.
Bo and I wore almost matching black mini skirts and boobilicious shirts' we were a fearsome twosome.
Early in the eve I caught a glimpse of perfection, tall blond and did I say tall and handsome. Turns out he was the bassist of the band "The Frolics" that were opening for Lacivious Burlesque.
Morrah gave me the job of his personal photographer that eve and I hope I did well because digital cameras are like "each household appliance is like a new science in my town" kinda thing to me.
The Frolics were awesome and their sound reminded me of Pulp Fiction's soundtrack, fun fun fun.
The Burlesque girls came in all shapes and sizes and didn't disappoint.

The crowd was eclectic and our two seat table was a small attraction to some of them. We met a lovely couple who's both first and last names started with "a"'s and she was once a he and he was once a she. Morrah teased that thier initals stood for "All Access Allowed".
At one point when Morrah was standing beside my bo~"L" and I were approached by a lady who asked to draw our portraits. she did us each individualy and she was rather kind with mine I felt. We didn't get to have them as they were a study tool for her as she practiced her art.
While the portraits were being drawn a lively gentleman kept circling our group and peeping over the artist's shoulder. "L" got to strike up a convo with him first so I lost a lot in translation but he was facinated about "L"'s gum (which is a story in on it's self and will wait for another day)and asked to borrow it to show a friend who quickly pointed out to him his grave mistake in the gum's original purpose! As "L" munched another piece we couldn't stop laughing.
So the embarrassed gum guy brings over a friend who was looking for a mint and since gg had seen my Commi Mints earlier thought I wouldn't mind sharing. So new mint guy was pretty wasted and couldn't remember "L" and I's names (we thought later that it would have been funnier if we had given him different names everytime he asked)and changed his own name from Eric to Appollo.
So finally "L" and I are alone for a bit and just enjoy each other with some playful chat and jokes while watching the show.

We next see Eric dancing with a cougar in a corset and think good on him having a great time. Little did we know he would soon be appearing onstage as one of the BG's drags him up there to announce that it's his birthday and starts to lap dance him only to be pushed aside my 2 burly drag queens who took over the lap dance.

It was one of the funnest nights I've had in awhile and the weekend with my bo "L" was just as great. We baked cake and watched foreign films.

Some times the easiest things are the hardest things to ask for.

Frustrated with phone probs today as I can receive calls but cannot call out, have a service guy coming late tomm aft but feel so disconnected. Funny how many calls I felt the need to make today when I have no readily accessable phone except for the garage on the corner 5 blocks away! LOL

Life gotta love it ~ and him too!

Tuesday February 02, 10

don't worry there will be no fuss She was nobody's nothing

08:01 PM

Girl afraid where does his intentions lay OR
does he even have any?
Nobody loves me
No hope no harm just another false alarm
and tell me how long before the right one?
But my heart is open
I still don't belong to anyone, I am mine
I don't mind if you forget me
The pressure to change to move on was strange and very strong
And this is why I tell you "I truely understand"
It only hurts me because it's true
Still I maintain that nothing is wrong with you
Pashernate love whether a dream or real Where are you?

Whatever happens I love you

Saturday January 30, 10

What difference does it make

04:23 AM

Politically active Pro Democracy Anti Rogue rally and attending a Haitian fundraiser. But I don't feel it matters.
Going through the motions but not "being" there. Still detached from the emotion, still safe.
Maybe one day!


Thursday January 14, 10

there's nothing wrong with "us"

03:31 PM

I'm attracted with all my physical being and beyond to you most like a moth to a flame
unfortunately my earth bound restrictions give me the ability to see that an end is inevitable and it takes away from the moment of bliss I long to live in while with you

your enery is so much more and deserving of more than a neatly placed label on a drawer in my mind
you live your life so intensely and without the born restriction posed on our earthbound beings that I can't help but be engulfed in your flame

you have the enlightenment I have long tried to express with my earth bound restrictions that I have sought or have tried to find in another as we have an emense understanding of the beyond of this plain that we live in and it is comforting to find such a kindered spirit that we can converse in an all-knowing language that few know or even have a grasp off

when I look at you I don't see the earthly restrictions or your earthly manifestation of body but I see and feel the energy that comes from you when we kiss and hug each other's physical body this is where I can finally see "true" love of another

I can think of nothng now but to thankyou for being you and allowing me to see and to bask in your energy

I don't want to live in the fear and pain of knowing there will be an ending as it is just too draining, I just want to live in your love for as long as it serves you and continue to be enlightened by your energy

you have brought a lot into my life and have already given me more than I feel I deserve this time around down here

confirming my deepness to the knowing of the "oneness" is so enlightening that if this is the only thing I get from us I want you to know that "it" means so much more to me than any type of long term commitment to physical expression

I do carry the negativity of jealousy and greediness to keep you just mine but I have faith that you will teach me the coping skills to not fall into such negative earth bound traps so common of our species that I can still enjoy you and your energy long after the physicality wains

there's nothing more I can give you than what I have and I apologize (though I should not need to) for my earth bound restrictions that may not apease all of your desires

for now I will try just to live in the light of the energy of you
of us

                                                                                                      ...I will be here oh believe me I will be here...

Tuesday January 05, 10

we threw all life's instructions away

05:40 PM

tranny lips,
and tranny hips
I'll dress butch,
and you can dress bitch

we'll hit the town
turn heads around
as we turn all the other sucka's down

home late
that's great
we continue our date

destiny has brought you near
now your not going anywhere

soft voice, soft eyes
makes me think I'm in paradise
listening to your gutteral cries

tranny lips
and tranny hips
tranny stickiness all over my ti~ oops

I'd like to thank L and Stink-Mitt for the inspiration.

Happy New Year y'all so far mine has been.

Friday November 20, 09

Vicor pt deuce

07:05 PM

My head is still spinning so the highlights are crazy enough.
So I collect two strays from the bar and head to V's.
Intro's and turns out V knew the girl devil's uncle. Small World.
Lesbians running about half naked, from Saskatchewan no less.
Spill of loose smoke with a request from the male devil for some discipline. Query was asked of me.
Paniced and said perhaps the host of the home may be able to assist?! Female devil takes off somewhere for a few mins and then the discipline happened.

Male devil hangs over the couch with his legs in the air going down on V. The only thing I could think of or say was "V could you put some porn on"! LOL As if it wasn't happening live anyway! So I glace at the tv then the live action back to the tv where I noticed that the porn was not quite right when female devil comes in and says it's (my word for it) changy porn oh!
Somehow me and female devil had this really bizarre heart to heart talk.

Discipline finally finished, only to find out the lesbians in the back room were apparently all watching (I was informed they're only 18-20), yyyiii.
Female devil left.
More X. Vomiting.
Male devil starts to crawl all over me on the couch as I was stretched out and I could smell V on him.
Anyway V and MD had a convo only to find out they had been associated by the Israli Army/War. Even smaller world!
I was beginning to wonder what parallel universe I was in cause this guy I met by chance on the phone V and the 2 I took over there all had some kind of connection together.
Messed me up big time.

V is called into the kitchen by one of the backroom girls and apparently one is oding and an ambulance was on the way.
So night over.

Saturday November 14, 09

Vicor in a tutu he's not strange he just want to live

07:53 PM

his life this way....

I'm still digesting and compartmentaling my Halloween night. My head is still spinning as once again I let something else control my vehicle body while I stood back a step and watched.

I was to meet up with a fella that eve that I had been chatting on the phone with. Jumped in a cab and headed over, we had some trouble finding the place but was sure we found it. I go up to the door knock and no answer. I checked the knob and turned it and busted the door wide open and screamed who has the hootin paranoia's (he told me they just smoked some weed.) I quickly realize I'm at the wrong address and quickly go "Trick or Treat" LOL! The guy was nice enough to call my buddy and found out I was only one block away.

So I get there and unfortunately he went out the night before and had too much X, K and lesbian sex, but I was invited back after the club if I wanted to. He was also nice enough to drive me over to my friend's that lived in the area. He totally goes out for Halloween and I tease him that he looks like the pedophile on the block.

So I had jumped into a horrible scene once there. BB drank to the point of beligerent and it was just sad, sad, sad.
At the club he was no better and I managed to only have 4 encounters with him. I managed to move about the club having so much fun. I set up 2 guys over 50 and one of them bought me a drink everytime I walked by. Every person dressed as Satan or a Devil I went to them as if I was pissed and said "I sold my soul to u and u couldn't even call me"! Hey in my state I thought it was pretty funny.

All staff were in their underwear and the shooter boy was just so CUTE so I grabbed him and he turned around and gave me a shooter. After it went down I went to put down the bottle and my hands were so sticky! LOL It did taste like bubblegum.

I had such a good time maybe it was the X and being in a dif mindscape than my usual party favors.
So bar is closing and this girl comes up to me and says "I'll call u tomm", took me a sec because she was dressed as a Devil!
Once outside I started scoping the scene for prospects to take back to my new friend's be cont

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