Will Never marry

Bournemouth will be the new capital

> Hm, isn't Bournemouth one of your sunny sea resorts? (Chuckle!)
> That's a bit desperate innit? Do you reckon Moz went down to the
> beach while he stayed there? Do you get Bournemouth rock down
> there?

I prefer Blackpool rock! I've never been to Bournemouth.. but from what I've heard Moz must've been pretty desperate to go down there! It's hardly a town for buzzing fashion and such..

Just look!

Come and have a gander at this rocking town!
Re: Bournemouth will be the new capital

Could you two shut yer yappers? This is a Morisey board. Finally, anyone have any Morisey news? I like his "sun and air" song from The Smiths.
Re: Bournemouth will be the new capital

The Fall had a song called "Bournemouth Runner". Probably the best thing to do, should you ever find yourself in the town. Run for it! (Like Leeds fans when they won the old Division 1 title, old UK footy joke for those who remember).

Re: Bournemouth will be the new capital

> The Fall had a song called "Bournemouth Runner".
> Probably the best thing to do, should you ever find yourself in
> the town. Run for it! (Like Leeds fans when they won the old
> Division 1 title, old UK footy joke for those who remember).


Do you wear a anorak?
Re: Bournemouth will be the new capital

> Do you wear a anorak?

I forbid him to. Not that he ever has.

Re: Bournemouth will be the new capital

> I forbid him to. Not that he ever has.

I suffer from anorakophobia. LMC prefers me in my boating blazer.

Re: Bournemouth will be the new capital

> I suffer from anorakophobia. LMC prefers me in my boating
> blazer.


oh God, you both can say these useless things to each other OFF this board.
Do ya think you can leave these 2 alone? Go masturbate or something you reject from Weight Watchers
Re: No...

Now that you came here and posted this, I WON'T LEAVE THEM ALONE..."NEVER"...

Re: funny...

the most sad thing about you, is that you are the same cheap, vile, stupid, brute, ignorant person on and off this board. i used to think that you were just a kind of character, but no, you are really confused, idiot, and a waste of time to anyone.
Re: funny...

listen jackass, i don't know what the hell you are referring to but let it be known that you are a fat, sad, multipersonality laden, one testicle, retarded monkey giblet. And you should be gang raped by a bunch of dimwitted giraffe's.
Re: funny...

and you are a confused man, who descends from chinese people, but was born in United States, and have some kind of emotional disturbance. It explains your behavior. you couldn't be more obvious, could you?

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