Why we don't like Americans.


united nation

When I first started reading the messages on this board I was surprised by the occasional right wing rant, usually from some American or other.
Since then, we've all read the deluge of posts supporting George Bush & sharing his warped view of the World.
I'm not referring to the 'War on Terror' , I'm more repulsed by his entrenched Christian Evangelist agenda, such as his anti-abortion mania, hatred of Gay people, fevered support for the Death Penalty etc.
'realitybites', a.k.a. Republican Party Reptile, is still poisoning the board with his insidious attacks on the so-called 'left wingers', whose sensitivity he views with scorn, & whose compassion he regards as weakness.
While he is obviously a right-wing fanatic with his own agenda, what's more worrying is the likes of 'iamthequarry', who quite clearly supports the Bush agenda, but isn't as confrontational as RPR, that is until challenged, when her true vicious & spiteful nature reveals itself.
I hadn't realised just how objectionable many Americans are, & never expexted to see such people on a Morrissey site, as I'm fully convinced that such people are anathema to Morrissey & that he himself would prefer them to go to some redneck Country Music site where they belong.
With the best will in the world, I don't think British people & Americans will ever truly get on.
Some Americans may seem ok, but scratch the surface & you'll find the same greedy fat schoolboy/girl that they all have at their core.
> When I first started reading the messages on this board I was surprised by
> the occasional right wing rant, usually from some American or other.
> Since then, we've all read the deluge of posts supporting George Bush
> & sharing his warped view of the World.
> I'm not referring to the 'War on Terror' , I'm more repulsed by his
> entrenched Christian Evangelist agenda, such as his anti-abortion mania,
> hatred of Gay people, fevered support for the Death Penalty etc.
> 'realitybites', a.k.a. Republican Party Reptile, is still poisoning the
> board with his insidious attacks on the so-called 'left wingers', whose
> sensitivity he views with scorn, & whose compassion he regards as
> weakness.
> While he is obviously a right-wing fanatic with his own agenda, what's
> more worrying is the likes of 'iamthequarry', who quite clearly supports
> the Bush agenda, but isn't as confrontational as RPR, that is until
> challenged, when her true vicious & spiteful nature reveals itself.
> I hadn't realised just how objectionable many Americans are, & never
> expexted to see such people on a Morrissey site, as I'm fully convinced
> that such people are anathema to Morrissey & that he himself would
> prefer them to go to some redneck Country Music site where they belong.
> With the best will in the world, I don't think British people &
> Americans will ever truly get on.
> Some Americans may seem ok, but scratch the surface & you'll find the
> same greedy fat schoolboy/girl that they all have at their core.

2 things.
Before the pedants crawl out from under their rocks, I know there's no such word as 'expexted' (although, there may be in America. We've all seen how they mangle the English language)
The other is that the last line should have read "...you'll find the same selfish, stupid, arrogant, obnoxious, greedy fat schoolkid...."
Your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight.

This messageboard is full of lunatics. It's absolutely insane.
I would not use this website as a reference tool to judge any type of human being. End of story.

Besides, with generalizations like that, don't you find your rant a bit ironic?
Re: Your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight.

> This messageboard is full of lunatics. It's absolutely insane.
> I would not use this website as a reference tool to judge any type of
> human being. End of story.

Well, as I studiously avoid Americans in my day to day life, this is the only barometer I have.

> Besides, with generalizations like that, don't you find your rant a bit
> ironic?

No, I wouldn't.

btw, If you're an American,What would you know about irony?
Re: Your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight.

With every message added you become more of a fool.
Do you actually find yourself to be saying something original/witty/controversial? You sound like every other uppity critic who uses their irrational hatred of America to sound informed or enlightened.

And I'm sorry about my comment about the ironic nature of your intial post. I'm an American, what do I know about...anything!?
Re: Your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight.

> original/witty/

Again, being a loathsome yank, what would you know about either of the forementioned.

> And I'm sorry about my comment about the ironic nature of your intial
> post. I'm an American, what do I know about...anything!?

Ignorance on a subject very rarely stops the likes of you from having an opinion on it.

and you call me a fool.... you've merely strengthened my argument with each one of your subsequent posts.
Re: Your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight.

> and you call me a fool.... you've merely strengthened my argument with
> each one of your subsequent posts.

Now THAT'S irony.

I know it's difficult for you, but once you've managed to grasp the concept of irony, I may even explain the offside rule in football for you.

> 2 things.
> Before the pedants crawl out from under their rocks, I know there's no
> such word as 'expexted' (although, there may be in America. We've all seen
> how they mangle the English language)
> The other is that the last line should have read "...you'll find the
> same selfish, stupid, arrogant, obnoxious, greedy fat schoolkid...."

They've got blinkers on to the World

I agree, but the ironic thing is right-wing Britain of yore has possibly played its part in shaping this ugly underbelly of the American psyche.

What I want to know is why can't Americans be more like Canadians - they're fresh, friendly and switched on. The truth is a lot of Americans these days are stale, hostile, fat, ignorant, philistines. The really sad thing is that they believe the world looks up to them for being like this and the reality is quite the polar opposite.

Americans are yet again Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

> When I first started reading the messages on this board I was surprised by
> the occasional right wing rant, usually from some American or other.
> Since then, we've all read the deluge of posts supporting George Bush
> & sharing his warped view of the World.
> I'm not referring to the 'War on Terror' , I'm more repulsed by his
> entrenched Christian Evangelist agenda, such as his anti-abortion mania,
> hatred of Gay people, fevered support for the Death Penalty etc.
> 'realitybites', a.k.a. Republican Party Reptile, is still poisoning the
> board with his insidious attacks on the so-called 'left wingers', whose
> sensitivity he views with scorn, & whose compassion he regards as
> weakness.
> While he is obviously a right-wing fanatic with his own agenda, what's
> more worrying is the likes of 'iamthequarry', who quite clearly supports
> the Bush agenda, but isn't as confrontational as RPR, that is until
> challenged, when her true vicious & spiteful nature reveals itself.
> I hadn't realised just how objectionable many Americans are, & never
> expexted to see such people on a Morrissey site, as I'm fully convinced
> that such people are anathema to Morrissey & that he himself would
> prefer them to go to some redneck Country Music site where they belong.
> With the best will in the world, I don't think British people &
> Americans will ever truly get on.
> Some Americans may seem ok, but scratch the surface & you'll find the
> same greedy fat schoolboy/girl that they all have at their core.
I'll take modest, god-fearing deer hunters in Kentucky over today's fever-swamp left any day

> When I first started reading the messages on this board I was surprised by
> the occasional right wing rant, usually from some American or other.
> Since then, we've all read the deluge of posts supporting George Bush
> & sharing his warped view of the World.
> I'm not referring to the 'War on Terror' , I'm more repulsed by his
> entrenched Christian Evangelist agenda, such as his anti-abortion mania,
> hatred of Gay people, fevered support for the Death Penalty etc.
> 'realitybites', a.k.a. Republican Party Reptile, is still poisoning the
> board with his insidious attacks on the so-called 'left wingers', whose
> sensitivity he views with scorn, & whose compassion he regards as
> weakness.

I am not "realitybites," although I am sometimes "You Can't Handle The Truth." Nor am I right wing (I am a classical liberal, for free people and free markets). I do hate the left as it is today. Any decent person would.

And here's a smarter man than I am explaining part of the reason why:

"So here is what I want to say on the absolutely crucial matter of secularism. Only one faction in American politics has found itself able to make excuses for the kind of religious fanaticism that immediately menaces us in the here and now. And that faction, I am sorry and furious to say, is the left. From the first day of the immolation of the World Trade Center, right down to the present moment, a gallery of pseudointellectuals has been willing to represent the worst face of Islam as the voice of the oppressed. How can these people bear to reread their own propaganda? Suicide murderers in Palestine—disowned and denounced by the new leader of the PLO—described as the victims of "despair." The forces of al-Qaida and the Taliban represented as misguided spokespeople for antiglobalization. The blood-maddened thugs in Iraq, who would rather bring down the roof on a suffering people than allow them to vote, pictured prettily as "insurgents" or even, by Michael Moore, as the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers. If this is liberal secularism, I'll take a modest, God-fearing, deer-hunting Baptist from Kentucky every time, as long as he didn't want to impose his principles on me (which our Constitution forbids him to do)."

-Chris Hitchens

Read the whole brilliant article here: http://slate.msn.com/id/2109377/

> While he is obviously a right-wing fanatic with his own agenda, what's
> more worrying is the likes of 'iamthequarry', who quite clearly supports
> the Bush agenda, but isn't as confrontational as RPR, that is until
> challenged, when her true vicious & spiteful nature reveals itself.
> I hadn't realised just how objectionable many Americans are, & never
> expexted to see such people on a Morrissey site, as I'm fully convinced
> that such people are anathema to Morrissey & that he himself would
> prefer them to go to some redneck Country Music site where they belong.
> With the best will in the world, I don't think British people &
> Americans will ever truly get on.
> Some Americans may seem ok, but scratch the surface & you'll find the
> same greedy fat schoolboy/girl that they all have at their core.
And could you explain how PETA folks are different from pro-lifers?
I do like one left winger: Tony Blair. He was great yesterday!
Look how racist-like you are against Americans!
Re: Your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight.

> With every message added you become more of a fool.
> Do you actually find yourself to be saying something
> original/witty/controversial? You sound like every other uppity critic who
> uses their irrational hatred of America to sound informed or enlightened.

Well said.

These jokers do seem to be clones, don't they?

But I must say, I don't get much bothered by the fever-swamp left ever since the election. It's now just out of fun that I go after the loonies of the left, knowing now that they do not have a voice anywhere near a seat of power.

Looking at Jimmy Carter's despicable comments on the monster, Yasser Arafat, made me all the more relieved Kerry lost. Thank God we don't have another one like that in the White House during these troubled times.......

> And I'm sorry about my comment about the ironic nature of your intial
> post. I'm an American, what do I know about...anything!?
Re: I do like one left winger: Tony Blair. He was great yesterday!

Obviously don't know the meaning of left-winger then.
Re: I am not Republican nor a reptile!

for f***s sake insnt this supposed to a f***ing morrissey website....im off to morrisseymusic.com they have a distinct lack of morons over there.....bunch of twats that you all are.
Re: I am not Republican nor a reptile!

> for f***s sake insnt this supposed to a f***ing morrissey website....im
> off to morrisseymusic.com they have a distinct lack of morons over
> there.....bunch of twats that you all are.

Go on then, you can write your poetic prose on there.
This unfortunately, relates to the REAL WORLD.
Sad, I know.
Re: I do like one left winger: Tony Blair. He was great yesterday!

> Obviously don't know the meaning of left-winger then.

Oh, because he's not a blood red commie he's not a "real" left-winger. LOL! Well thank God he's not then. That might be why Great Britain is doing so much better than most of Europe. But he is the head of the Labour government.

At his press conference yesterday Blair described himself as a "progressive" politically (in making the point that he and a Republican in America could see the common interests of both their countries). But there's a reason Labour had to re-invent itself as something new. The old shit wasn't working. Duh.....

As a general statement, the solutions in this world are not found at the extremes.
yeah, until someone asked him if he was Bush's poodle!!!
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