What's the point?



Harry Hill - that's the point of this post. As you can see he very flatteringly describes himself as "Mozzer-like" and has done his website free-hand rather like Morrissey's designs for his record sleeves. Under "Sestatic Cogniatives" he's got his own sleeve design. I like the note 'Pilot P700 felt tip' as a description of the 'font'. Seems like Harry owns a copy of 'Peepholism'.

I guess, like Marmite and Morrissey, you either love or hate Harry Hill. BTW Harry and Morrissey got a gig off of Bowie.

I forgot to mention his site is at www.harry-hill.tv/

Oh and you can get tickets for the recording of his new TV series (in the UK) at:


> Harry Hill - that's the point of this post. As you can see he very
> flatteringly describes himself as "Mozzer-like" and has done his
> website free-hand rather like Morrissey's designs for his record sleeves.
> Under "Sestatic Cogniatives" he's got his own sleeve design. I
> like the note 'Pilot P700 felt tip' as a description of the 'font'. Seems
> like Harry owns a copy of 'Peepholism'.

> I guess, like Marmite and Morrissey, you either love or hate Harry Hill.
> BTW Harry and Morrissey got a gig off of Bowie.
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