What balls to the walls means...


Reg Plate

Its an old Royal Airforce saying which means full throttle, as the sticks controlling the throttle and fuel mixture were topped with round balls and pushing them to the wall meant full speed hence the saying.You learn something new everyday.

it means he's nailing his balls to the wall which my might result in him sounding a bit like........

> Its an old Royal Airforce saying which means full throttle, as the sticks
> controlling the throttle and fuel mixture were topped with round balls and
> pushing them to the wall meant full speed hence the saying.You learn
> something new everyday.

> Reg

god have mercy on us all
moz has lost the plot
DoeS this help ReggiE?????????

The phrase balls to the wall, meaning an all-out effort, sounds as if it is a reference to a part of the male anatomy, giving rise to some confusion as to what it originally meant. However, the original usage has nothing to do with anatomy, coming rather from the world of aviation.

On an airplane, the handles controlling the throttle and the fuel mixture are often topped with ball-shaped grips, referred to by pilots as (what else?) "balls." Pushing the balls forward, close to the front wall of the cockpit results in the most and richest mixture of fuel going to the engines and the highest possible speed.

The phrase dates to the early 1950s. Several veterans have written me noting their use of the term during the Korean War era. The earliest written citation is a bit later.
It does help...

It does help yes, coz I think half the people in here don't believe a word I say. Anyhoo its time for dinner and I could eat a horse and chase after the jockey.

I could eat a scabby donkeY....

But I'm a veggie so i'd betteR noooooooooooooooooooT
I could eat a scabby horse(raddish)

I could eat a scabby horse(raddish)between two pishy matresses and still munch the crotch out a low flying duck.

I've had to settle with cheese on toasT.......

CoZ i've got nowt else in the houSe to eaT... A triP to Morrisons is on the carDs me thinks and some cream caKes are gonna be on the menu.

Fame is a fickle food
Upon a shifting plate
Whose table once a
Guest but not
The second time is set.
Re: I've had to settle with cheese on toasT.......

Fame is a fickle food
Upon a shifting plate
Whose table once a
Guest but not
The second time is set.

Gherkins is a pickle food,
Eaten by pregnant women and reg plate
Who'll drink you under a table
a rude unwanted guest
the first time is once too many.
Re: I've had to settle with cheese on toasT.......

Watch where youR gherkin wanders
And its not a vegi puN ! ! !
They have the knack
Of slippinG in facT
In where you'd least eXpect Emmmm
> Its an old Royal Airforce saying which means full throttle, as the sticks
> controlling the throttle and fuel mixture were topped with round balls and
> pushing them to the wall meant full speed hence the saying.You learn
> something new everyday.

> Reg
gosh,but it's nice. So masculine and traditional.

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