The Darkness at Astoria



Last night was one of the best gigs I've zseen for a long while.. the Darkness complete with falsetto vocals.. Spinal Tap actually lives.. but played for alughs and with soem good songs.. It's aheady combination..

Check out 'Get Your Hand off my woman (motherf*cker').. Never heard it sung so well!

Ruffian in Spandex pants
"Ruffian in Spandex pants"... oh Ruff mate glad you had a great evening but to regale us with the (mental) image of you in spandex had me choking on my malted shreddies!
top man
Grim O'Grady
That was one of the maddest gig's I've been to.
My favourite costume was the white one with the funny little ears.
They are a class act!!
> That was one of the maddest gig's I've been to.
> My favourite costume was the white one with the funny little ears.
> They are a class act!!

Respect due bermondsey Brusier.. being there as well.. Next time you're out make sure you come and say hello.. As a further footnote, The encore was a great mashed up rock version of Radioheads 'Street Sspirit (Fade Out)'.. my mate made the comment that if Radiohead heard it they'd be admitting that they 'got it worng'.. and the Darkness version was better!

Great night.. Freddie Mercury lives in that white outfit!! People here haven't lived who haven't seen some of these acts out and about!

White Stripe on Friday shoudl be the best as well..
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